


Phase One



He can't remember who he was before the world told him who he should be.


She is full of wounds, riddled with scars but she is still standing and still beautiful.


We were strange in love, him and I, too wild to last, to rare to die.





only - nf

half a man - dean lewis

can you hold me - nf

unsteady - x ambassador

vulnerable - selena

trauma - nf

overdose - alessia cara

gasoline - halsey

big girls cry - sia

shameless - camilla cabello

still learning - halsey

10,000 house - justin and dan + shay

love someone - lukas graham

need you - fireboy

by you - simi adekunle

easy - camilla cabello

duduke - simi

memories - maroon 5

stars - alessia Cara

worst excuses - maise peters

why try - ariana grande

damn - omah lay

come to this - natalie taylors.



°You broke my walls, then broke me as well°


🎶I can't be the only one who is lonely tonight

I. . .I can't be the only

Does anybody feel like me?, Show your hands

I don't need to lie, I just wanna find my peace🎶

Chapter One

+Fiona's Point of View+


"We are done. Don't contact me again"

"Congratulations Fiona Gwen Kings, you've been admitted into Gotham University {G. U.}, to attain a degree in Psychology, do ensure th--"

These two message contradict each other. I applied to G.U. just to be closer to Caden and also because it's one of the universities with good Psychology professors, but Caden Manchester wants to have nothing to do with me again.

His message has been in my phone for 3 months but I chose to ignore it, despite the fact that I've read it. The 3 months vacation in Italy helped a great deal, the time I spent with Danielle, Violet and Cara were amazing even though a part of me still aches for my boyfriend, for Caden, but he broke up with me, over text, nothing spells °We are done° more than that.

It's time for a fresh start, time to forget demons of the past, time to forget Luke Chamberlain, time to forget Caden Manchester even though it will be hard considering we are in the same school, either way, it's time to move on. I promised Danielle's Mom that I'll move on, I promised Sinister -- as he insisted we call him -- that I'll be fine, I made a promise to baby Luciano and my girls that I'll be strong, I intend to uphold those promises, nothing is taking me down, not even Caden.

Quietly, I placed my make up kit beside my bed, pleased with the arrangement, neatness and perfection of the room, I looked over to the empty bed which belong to my roommate, I've not met her though, I hope she'll b --

My chain of thought was cut off by a knock on the door, I stare at the door for a while before grabbing the pocket knife Sinister gave me from my bag, self defense classes in Italy taught me to always be on guard. Slowly, I opened the door to behold a black girl with dark natural hair, movement from her side diverted my attention to a black boy that looks exactly like her.

They reminded me of Alex and Haley.

"Hi?" I said unsurely.

"Hi! Is this dorm room 317?" She asked, before I could answer, the guy smacked her head saying "Of course it is, Care."

She glared at him for awhile before looking at me "Can we come in. I'm your roommate."

"Oh!, Sure, come on in" I said putting the knife in my back pocket. They walked in, closing the door quietly. I stared at them awkwardly till I said "I'm Fiona. Fiona Kings."

The girl smiled at me dropping her bag on the bed "I'm Caroline Salvatore and this ugly dude i --"

"Oh shut it Care. I can introduce myself. I'm Caleb. Caleb Salvatore and as you can see I'm not ugly as my twin sister just said" Caleb said grinning.

I smiled as Caroline said "Ignore him Fiona, he's just here to help me with my bags. So what's your course of study?" She asked sitting down on her bed.

"Psychology" I answered sitting opposite her, on my bed. "How about you?."

"Medicine, almost the same line."

Caleb's phone chirped and he said "I have to go Care, it was nice meeting you Fiona and I'm in Engineering, 2nd year. I hope to see you again" he said moving towards the door.

No one asked you your course bro

"Fuck off, bro" Caroline shouted.

"Love you too, sis" Caleb shouted back.

Smiling, Caroline turned to me "I'm sorry about that. Caleb's usually like that. So, tell me about you."


"Really?, Wow!" Caroline shouted as I told her how good the spa at Italy is. Caroline is a really amazing girl. I learnt that she and Caleb are the only kid her parent have. She took a gap year which is why Caleb is a year above her. Caleb's following his father footsteps in Engineering. Her Mom is a stay at home wife, her family is really good and nice unlike mine.

She's studying Medicine so that she can get a cure to Cancer, she lost a niece to Cancer when she was 15, she says no one else has to go through what she went through.

"Yes, it's really good" I said as we walked round the campus. We were trying to get accustomed to the nook and cranny of the University, it was getting late though.

Finally, we stopped in front of a building or better still a club. I turn to Caroline staring at her "Why are we here?."

"I'm sorry. I don't feel comfortable in places like this too. I need to give Caleb his credit card, he forgot it with me" She said sounding sorry.

"It's okay. Let him know you are here" I said forcing a smile, the last time I was at a club didn't really end we'll for me, at the thought of Luke Chamberlain, I began to sweat in my hands, flashes from that night began to appear.

My demons begin to get louder.

No!, I can't let them win. I closed my eyes, going to my safe place, I breathed in and out. In. Out. In. Out. I started counting numbers, One. Two. Three.

Slowly, the voices in my head died down, Luke's voice faded away. I opened, breathing calmly, smiling at the thought of conquering my demons.

"--- iona, Fiona!" I heard Caroline shout my name.

Looking at her calmly "Yes?"

"Are you okay?."

"I'm fine. Where's Caleb?."

"He's coming over now with his friend, I think" Caroline said looking the other way.

I looked in the direction, spotted Caleb coming with someone, seem vaguely familiar but I can't place it because it's getting darker. Caleb and his friend walked up to us, I watched as Caleb and Caroline conversed after greeting me, my attention drifted to his friend whose face was hidden behind the dark hoodie, reminds me of Danielle. I frown as I noticed the cigarette in his hand, I hate it! I hate smokers.

"Hey!, Stop Smoking!" I didn't realize I had talked till he looked at me. Caleb and Caroline stopped talking and Caleb walked up to him.

"Chill man, She didn't mean that" I heard Caleb say but I was too shocked to care, slowly he removed his dark hoodie and locked eye with me, I gasped in surprise.

I knew it was only a matter of time before I see him but I didn't expect it to be this early, slowly I whispered his name "Caden."

I realized I've been fighting the wrong demon, the real demon or better still an angel, a fallen one though, stood in front of me.

I watched as he unconsciously dropped his cigarette, uttering my name, or better still, the name he calls me "Vanilla."

I looked at him, taking him in, he's dressed in black, his eyes getting lost in the night, he reeks of alcohol and cigarette and --- Sex. My heart breaks at the thought of him being with another person.

I scrunch my nose, hating the scent of cigarettes, he told me he quit, he told me he doesn't drink again, looks like he lied, he opened his mouth about to say something but was cut off by a pink haired girl as she jumped on him "Caddy baby, the room is ready, let's go another round" She said kissing him, passing the cigarette in her mouth to his mouth.


She finally acknowledged our presence "Who are these bitches, Caddy" She purred.

With his dark eyes still on me, he said "No one. They are no one. Let's go Rita" he said turning, walking back to the Club.

And just like that, he killed any hope I had for him, for us.

"It's Rachel, Caddy baby. You're so funny" Rita/Rachel said running to him. I watched as they left to go another round.

"What was that?" Caleb asked looking at me weirdly.

Shaking my head I said "Nothing. It's Nothing. Let's go" I turned to Caroline.