

"What's wrong Fiona?" Cara asked as we sat on the shore, the cold sand cooling my legs.

"Your roomie called us, Fee" Danielle said.

"She said you came home late yesterday with blood on your trouser" Violet added.

"Really, Blood?" I said looking up, probably that junky guy's blood.

"Yeah, wanna explain?" Danielle asked.

I smiled as I told them yesterday's happenings, from Kai to Caden to the junky guy.

"Wow, are you hurt?" Violet asked concerned.

"She's fine. Dad didn't personally train us for nothing. A drunk guy should be easy for her" Danielle said smiling.

I chuckled "Yes it was."

"What's Cade's deal?" Cara asked, looking angry.

At the mention of his name, my smile fell "I don't know, I wish I do" I said sadly.

"Want us to fuck him up a bit?. We could do it ourselves or I could give Dad a phonecall" Cara said.

"No!" I screamed, clearing my throat I said "I mean No, it's fine. I can take care of myself."

"Sinister only taught us how to guard our bodies, he never taught us how to guard our hearts" Violet said, smiling sadly.

"I'll be fine, Vee" I assured her.

"Drop out and come to Italy. You can study there, it'll be better there. You'll be with us, No Cade, No heartache" Danielle offered.

I smiled sadly, feeling tears blinding my vision, there is heartache here but there's also Caden.

"I can't Dee, I can't" I said, chocking the words out, bitting my lips to hold the tears in, but I couldn't.

"Awwn, babe don't cry" Cara said hugging me.

"We'll be with you all the way, Fee" Violet said, joining the hug.

"I know Cade, well I think. He would come around, he better be worth staying here for. You'll always have us, Fee. No matter what" Danielle said hugging me tighter. We all relish in the hug, enjoying the aesthetic of the love we share.

Remembering something, I said "How are you girls?."

They released me, looking confused, so I clarified. "How are you Danielle, Xavier left, remember?. Violet, how about you?, Damon left with his boyfriend. Cara, How are you holding up with the confusing emotions you're feeling?."

"I don't want to talk about it" Danielle said firmly.

"I'm fine. I'll be fine. We'll meet again, I hope" Violet said sadly.

"I don't know, it's all so confusing, all jumbled up" Cara signed.

"Dee, you don't have to bottle it up. We'll be fine. We have to be" I said sadly.

We were silent for a while till Danielle said "I miss them. I miss Alex and Hale" with that Violet bursted into tears, we couldn't help but join in.

We held each other as we cried together. We miss Alexander and Haley but we weren't crying for them. Violet was crying for Damon Mikealson, the love of her life. Danielle was crying for Xaviero Valentino, the guy she loved who lied to her, leaving her cold. Cara was crying for her soul, it's broken and helpless and I, I was crying for Caden Manchester, I can't help but feel drawn to him, actually No!, I wasn't crying for Caden, I was crying for myself, I should run but I want to stay, I should flee but I want to wait.

Violet isn't crying for Damon, Danielle isn't crying for Xaviero. They are crying for their soul like Cara, like me. We are broken, shattered and pieces of us are scattered, the other half of our broken soul lies with men that we can never be with again and we fear that we'll never be whole. We hold on to each other as we cry our broken soul out, We hold on to each other like we are each other's lifeline, like we can disappear any moment from now. We are scared of what life holds, just like Violet said, we were trained to protect our bodies but not our heart, our heart is left bare, vulnerable.


"How's Journalism?" I asked Violet as we ate the food that was bought for us.

"It's. . .stressful, but it's me! It's like the lecturers are seeing into me. It's so exciting" She replies excited.

"You're going to be a badass writer in the next ten years" Cara smiled.

"Hell yeah!" Violet smiled.

"How's Psychology?" Danielle asked, gulping down juice.

"It's exciting. It's all I've ever wanted" I replied truthfully "How's business Danielle and how's Theatre, Cara?."

"Y'all know it's not just Business and Theatre we are studying. Dad wants us to have knowledge of it all, but it's nice" Danielle answered.

"Theatre is. . .sweet. I get to kiss numerous guys, Spanish, Indian, Nigerian, English!. Theatre is good" Cara said. We chuckled at her animated expression.

"It's nice that we are all happy in our different fields, In the next 10 years, We'll be happy with the love of our lives" Violet said smiling.

Little did we know that life has different things in plan for each of us.

"Wait a minute, you never told me how you ended up here" I asked.

"Your roommate, Carolina called us."


"Same thing."

"So you guys booked a flight immediately?."

"Yup, we've been thinking of coming here."

"Wow, thanks guys. I love y'all."

"Mutual feeling babe."

"How's Luciano?."

"My baby brother is fine as fuck, shinning and glowing day by day" Cara smiled, love shinning in her eyes.

"Thank you guys so much" I said again.

"Mention Bitch!" They chuckled.

"Fiona, give us a tour of this your University" Cara said getting up from the cold sand.

I stretched my hand up as she dragged me up "Really?."

"Yup" Violet said dragging Danielle up.

"It's just my first week, I don't really know a lot of places" I said dusting sand off my jean.

"Well, take us to the places you know" Cara said, moving in the direction of the car, where the men in black were still waiting for us.


"This is the Lecture Hall."

"This is the Law Pavilion."

"These are the mini marts."

"This is the Admin block."

I went on and on showing them different buildings.

"Fiona, We've seen all the boring places, don't you have Clubs here?. At least let's have some fun before we go back to Italy" Cara said, smiling.

"Eh, I don't think so. Clubs are not really my ground anymore" I said quietly.

"Is it because of Luca shits?, Girls y'all are afraid of Club and Fun, you're afraid of what might happen when you're in there, you have to conquer your fears babes. You are different now. Y'all can protect yourselves and we got our men in black if something goes wrong. Come on guys, loosen up a bit" Cara lectured, smiling.

"I don't kn-- maybe we should. I'm game" Danielle smiled.

"There is no Luke here but there are varieties of Luke Chamberlain. Let's face our demons head on!" Violet exclaimed.

Taking a deep breath, I said "I'm not afraid of Luke here, it's just that Caden might be there."

"Oh, Really?."

"Yeah" I said as I explained what transpired between Caden and I few days ago.

"More and more reasons to fuck up this guy" Cara said angrily.

"No fucking up anybody, Let's just go."


"Wow, this place is banging!."

"It's hot."

"Weird name, Club Blue."

We were about to enter when the bouncer stopped us "Your I. D. Ladies."

"I've got this" Cara said as she walked closer to him, whispering in his ear, his eyes widened a bit, before he nodded his head, parting ways for us.

We entered, immediately ordering the strongest shot.

"What did you say to him" I asked her as soon as we were comfortably seated.

She smiled, saying "I told him I'll suck his dick."

We bursted out laughing. We ordered shots after shots, drinking our problems away. I was getting dizzy and tired, I smiled at the sight before me, Violet has fallen asleep on the table, Cara is puking her guts on the floor, Danielle is trying to wake Violet and to stop Cara from embarrassing her self, the keyword been trying.

"Fiona are you okay? Can you watch Violet? I need to clean up Cara" I think heard Danielle say


"Yes. I'm fine. Are you with your pocket knife?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am" She answered taking Cara in the direction of the toilet, I think.

I shifted my gaze to Violet who was mumbling jargons, I was about to wake her when she opened an eye, scaring me.

"Vee, wake up."

"Am I dead?" She whispered.

"Bitch, you are not. Are you okay?."

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Where are Danielle and Cara?."

"They are in t-- coming, they are coming" I said looking at Danielle and Cara who were walking up to us.

"Are you okay Cara?."

"Yeah, I just need to seat down" She said sitting.

We were all quiet for a while, calming our selves, relishing in this drunken moment, knowing fully well that it would be months before we are together again.

"Ehm Girls, Fiona don't freak out but I think I just saw Cade, He's coming over" Violet whispered.

At the mention of Caden, I looked up and there he was in his signature attire, walking up to us, to me.

"That's him?" Cara asked.

"Yes, that's Cade" Danielle said painfully, She and Caden formed a bond back in Smallville, his sudden departure hurted her.

"Oh. . .good" Cara smiled mischievously but I wasn't focused on that, Caden has taken over my mind, he got to us looking fresh and fine, I would have been deceived if I didn't know him.

"Hi" he said.

I was about to reply him when I saw Cara getting up angrily "Cara stop!" I screamed, getting up but I was too slow as she had already swung her fist, breaking Caden's jaw.

"Caden." I screamed moving towards him, deja Vu flooded me as my vision clouded and Caden doubled, a pair of dark eye were what I saw before the darkness consumed me.

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