Anxious Helios

A series of footsteps made the general recover from his shocked state. He put on a calm look and glanced at the entrance of the meeting room. 

A few soldiers came inside the room with anxious looks.

"General, has something happened? We heard you shouting just a few moments ago." One soldier asked worriedly. 

The matter about Jiu Shen was too sudden and mysterious and it wouldn't be good if he told his subordinates about it. They would only become more restless if they learned it. With that in mind, the general shook his head and said in a commanding tone. "It's nothing. Go back to your posts and bolster our defenses! Tell the patrolling guards to stay alert!" 

"Yes, general!" The soldiers replied as they saluted. 

After the soldiers left, the general stepped out of the room and stared at the crimson sky. "Who could he be?" He muttered with a contemplating look.
