1. Touma running away from human experiment

While Touma was running away from the bad Agent is trying to experiment him and he goes to the Saitama back alley and cover his mouth and cover everything his clothes with a black blanket and they nothing and they skip to the back alley and just go back to the lab for human experiments but he number is 001 and the recalls his name was Touma went he went missing just like a few ago and he had some friend with the Idol and it was Hinatazaka46 and Sakurazaka46 Member but they are worried so sick that he went missing and now he is back but his memory is still mix up inside his mind.

Touma (001) POV.

I need to get back from the Hinata dorm but I can't get up because they had tracked me on my brain and while I want to run or stop they will just press the button at the switch and I just stay here for a while until morning.

Back at the Lab for human experiment and number 001 is somewhere but we can't get his location but he is somewhere around the Saitama back alley and one of them found that number 001 his heart is beating faster as usual but he needs to be here and experiment him more than another human testing we need to go there and meet him.

Leader: did you see number 001 have you?

Ryo: yes sir I have but I think he is fearless and he did lose his memory

Maru: sir what if we go tomorrow and find him there and if can just stay put

Leader: that great idea Maru

Maru: really

The leader just take out the gun and shoot him while other is saying no to an answer and others go out there and find the human testing number 001 and they carry agent Maru dead body to the fire and we can see the body is melting away like an ice cream melt.

Leader: Is there any more questions

While others shake their head and he went out and go find the human testing number 001 and right before we go out and we stop because there have someone is walking in the back alley and she is not alone just but she had someone with her walking back at the Saitama back alley with her friend and they are so much famous and we need to step back for a while.

Leader: we need to stop for a while

Ryo: why sir?

Maru: because she has someone else with her

The team and the leader saw that agent Maru is alive and why did he living alive but we thought we burn his body on the fire and now the body is in front of us.

Ryo: Maru how did you still alive?

Maru: I quit and I will protect the human testing number 001 and you can't stop me later

Meanwhile, Maru was running inside the back alley and saw that number 001 needs some backup but he help him and trained him to be stronger than other human testing experiments inside the lab.

Maru: sir are you okay?

Touma: who are you?

Maru: I'm a good agent and you need to get out from here and you need to come with me now if you want to live

Touma and Maru run out from the Saitama back alley and go to the few houses but went walking slowly they bumped into someone and it was a girl and she was looking at us.

Kobayashi: I'm sorry but are you okay?

Maru: I'm fine but my friend here is unwell can you help us

Kobayashi: of course

When Kobayashi was helping Touma and number 001 and after that, we have some company to take away the human testing experiment and Maru ask her to hurry up while I do something more dangerous than ever.

Maru: can you walk faster sir

Touma: here take this and shoot them

Maru: since when you have some bullet inside your pocket

Touma: I can't remember but please kill them

Maru: of course, I will for you sir

In the meantime, Kobayashi carries Touma and Maru killing them with Touma having him the bullet and while he shoots them and out of a sudden, they went boom but the body turns into a bag of dust and other return back to the lab and have need some plans to get back his lab experiment testing.

Kobayashi: what is all of that?

Maru: I'm sorry are we at where?

Kobayashi: we reach the Sakura dorm and we at my room but my roommate is homesick and she didn't have at here but you can borrow her bed

Maru: thanks but we just sleep on the floor

Touma: what's is your name?

Later Maru and Kobayashi who is look and exchange look at him and Maru with Kobayashi just tell their name to Touma number 001.

Maru: my name was Maru but people call me Agent

Kobayashi: my name is Kobayashi Yui just call me Yui or Kobayashi

Touma: thank you for saving me but my memory can't remember anything that happened to me right before I went missing a few weeks ago

When Kobayashi remember that the person missing and it was standing right in front of her and she hugged him and said did he remember her went he went missing just the past few weeks ago.

Kobayashi: Touma did you remember me went you when missing

Suddenly, his memory remember her and he starts to cry and she wipes his tear and Maru is so touching for him and it is the bid step for him to remember them one by one every time a right other member see him personally.

Touma: of course, I remember you but my brain have their track and we need to cut open my brain and take the track of my head

Maru: don't worry we can do it tomorrow

Touma: thank you Maru

Maru: don't worry but I haven't seen my sister for so long and she is an idol just like Yui but different group

Kobayashi: what's her name?

Maru: well her is Morimoto Mari

Kobayashi: I think I know her but if you want to see her personality and I call her tomorrow

Maru: thank you

Kobayashi: don't worry you both sleep here and tomorrow we ask someone to operation Touma brain surgery

They agree and get some sleep and right they went to sleep and back at the Lab human experiment and Ryo with Leader are is getting back their testing human experiment back to the test him more than ever could.