"Are you working near here Arthur ?" I'm breaking silence. He just smile "hmm .. not really, just passing by then I see you sit here alone .. and here I am". I just nodded and open my sandwich. "Do you want ?" while holding the sandwich. He shook his head and said "No ... you eat it". I divide the sandwich then giving him "here ... eat this" He look shocked. I laugh "Heii .. I not poison it... just eat it ... I like to share".He take the sandwich then eat it.

"Do you mind if I'm asking ?" he asked me. "Sure, what's it ? I'm chewing the sandwich. "why you here alone ?" He said looking at my eyes. I feel flush in my cheek, looking at the park watching people walking. I close my eyes

"I like here, alone, just watching people walk or smell the air".

He take a deep breath then whisper "you different from all the women I meet".

I look at him "how come ? I'm just like the other normall women" I giggle.

"I don't know you just different" he's look sad in his eyes.

I sigh then look at his eyes "Arthur sorry to say, I'm kinda straight forward person, I don't know you, but in a few days we always meet several time, I don't know what do you want and I don't know what the hell are you doing here".

For the moment we keep staring, tension getting hotter then he broke the ice "I don't know either what I'm doing. But from the first time I met you. I found you fascinating. I just want to know you more. Can we ?".

My hear beat faster. I don't know what I'm supposed to say and think. For a long time I only devoted to Anthony my died husband. "I just don't know, I can't give you an answer. But honestly, why don't we be friend first ?" I'm trying to be honest with him

. He look relieved "I can be like that" he smiled.

"Sorry, I have to go back to library" I says. We stand together, he smile "thank you for today, thank you for letting me in, even though as friend".

I just wave my hand "see you Arthur". I walk back to the library, doing my duty. When I look at my wristwatch its already 4 noon. I grab my bag and pick my lovely daughter.

"Mommmm ... " Mia shout. "Honey, how's today ?" I smile at her while giving her helmet. "Nothing special Mom, expect saturday Edward asking me to go out watching movie, can I go with him ?" She's giving me a puppy eyes.

I laugh at her nodded "sure, why not, just remember, your a girl, responsible with your self okay".

Then she grab my hand, she look thinking for a while then says "Moom, why don't you come with me watch movie ?" I looked her curious "heiii ... who wants her date ruin by her mom ?"

Mia giggle "No mom ... Its kinda fun ... come on Moom .. join with me and Edward... owkayy Mom ?".

I pretend to think, "ask Edward first darling, if he okay then I join with both of you". "Yess" she said and take out her handphone to text Edward. My god, my little baby, I just smile looking at her. Starting my motorcycle then going home with my lovely Mia.

Its Saturday, Mia look nice with her floral dress. I just wearing jeans and t- shirt. Helloow, I'm just accompany my baby with her date, no need to looking good right. "Mom, are you sure you gonna wear that?" Mia looking me with horror.

I smile to her "Hei I'm just a cool Mom who join her lovely daughter dating". Mia rolled her eyes "whatever Mom". I put my hand on her shoulder then grab my helmet and give her helmet "come, let go. Edward already waiting.

When we arrives, Edward waves his hands, "Hi Mrs Edison, how are you ?".

I smiled to Edward "Come on Edward, Its Mom ... you can call me Mom okay". Mia look at me then smile.

"have you bought the ticket Edward ?" I grab my purse to give Edward money.

"No, Mom ... I'll pay it Mom ... don't embarrassing me in front of Mia " Edward shrugged his back head.

Oh teenagers, it been so long since I'm dealing with this things again. "OkOk ... Come lets buy it then" I tell them.

Three of us walk to the counter, suddenly when we still waiting my phone ringing, I checked and see its Arthur. I pick it "Hai Arthur, is anything wrong ?".

"hei where are you, why your back is so crowded?".

"hahaha .. just accompany Mia with her date, she ask me to join with her to watching movie". Mia look at me curious and whisper "who's that Mom?" I give her signal "It's Arthur". Mia looking shocked "OMG, that Arthur Mom ?"

"Yes its darling" .

"What's wrong Annie ?" Arthur asking me, "Oh nothing, just Mia asked me who's calling" I told him. Mia grab my phone then she speak "hi Sir, why don't you join with us watching movie?" I looked at her horor. She smile bright, and whisper in the phone with Arthur, I don't know what they're talking. Mia return my phone with sly smile. I glare at her "what are you doing darling ?" Mia just smile then look at Edward and said "sorry Edward can we wait longer, my mother friend wants to watching the movie too" Edward just grinned and say "owkay then".

After 15 minutes I see Arthur come. He wear denim jacket, jeans and he look handsome. He waves his hand "hai Annie, Mia ... I'm not late isn't ?". I looking at his eyes, suddenly my heart again beating faster, I fell warm, happy.

When Edward wants to buy the ticket, Arthur rejected it "No .. no .. today I'll treat all of you ... because I'm the last one who came" I look at him confused. He just smile at me then he walking to the counter and buying ticket for us.

Mia looked at me when Arthur buy the ticket then whisper to me "Mom, don't you think Mr Arthur is good to us isn't?". I told her "you silly, its because of you that's why he came today". She just smile wide "I think he likes you Mom". I just shook my head, looking at her. Sometime Mia unbelieveble, well Mia is Mia. When Arthur back to us, then we watch the movie.

When we finished watching the movie,

"come on lets take dinner, where do you wants to eat?" Arthur says.He looks at us.

"No its okay Arthur, thank you before for treating us to watching movie".

He just smile looking at me "we are friend isn't, so why we can't dinner together?". When he said that, I just reconsidered everything. Well just dinner right ? Nothing to afraid right?. After thinking I said "well if you want to, why don't you come with us, I'm going to cook dinner at my home".

He look speechless, then smile "I loved it".

"Why don't we get together in my car? "

I pout "do you forget I came here with my favourite motorcycle?". Suddenly he pulled out his phone then speak to his phone. He looking at me then said "give me your motorcycle key". Confused, I looked at him "what for ?".

Suddenly a man come, he looks at Arthur then speaks with him in a low voice. Arthur nodded then looking at me

"Annie, this is Billy, my assistant" Billy looking at me and nodded his head.

I just smile and still wondering what this Billy want to do.

"Give me your key, Billy take your motorcycle. You and kids with me" Arthur say sternly.

Don't want feels more awkward, I give my motorcycle key to Arthur. And he pass it to Billy.

When we out of the buliding, Arthur walk next to me while Mia and Edward behind me. At our ways to the parking lot, I'm not talking much with him. When we reach his car, I see a black metalic Audi. I just realized I'm not know anything about him.

"It's your car ?" while admiring his car

"You like it ?"

"It's a cool car you know .." I giggle and touch his car

He open the passenger door, "go inside Annie"

Mia and Edward sit in the back, they busy chatting. I think they comfortable that's way the keep busy with their own.

"So ... where is your address ? Arthur startled me

I'm giving him my address, and he put it on his GPS. In our ways, I'm looking through the window, admiring the view. Arthur turn on the radio. He looks to the mirror and says to Mia "Mia, how"s the movie ?"

"It's fun Sir, thank your for treating us" Mia give her polite attitude.

"Just Arthur okay, no need to be formal with me"

When we arrived, I open my door and tell Mia to ask Arthur and Edward to our living room, while cooking our dinner tonight.

I open my refrigerator, finding something to make, and thanks God there's still supply to make chinese food.

Pull out the supply and put it on the table, when I start chopping I hear Arthur says "what do you want to make, can I help you ?"

"No need, just go to the living room, I'll be fine here" still focusing to make the dishes

"I want here, can I? I like to see you cook"

"Well, sit there" I pointed him to sit at the chair

Somehow in this moment, I just feel comfortable next to him. Just his presence near to me make me feel safe, happy. After Anthony died, I ate together with Mia. And now, it's like family dinner.

When I finished make the dinner, I think I need to get change first

"Are you ok if I get change my clothes ? Just for a minute, Help me to call Mia and Arthur, tell them food is ready" I walk over him to my room to changes my clothes.

In the kitchen, I see Arthur, Mia and Edward already sit, I looked it and deep inside my heart I feel warmth. Its been a while since Anthony died, I never felt like this again.

I smiled at them, then push a chair and sit beside Arthur.