Sitting in my chair at the office. Annie always on my mind. Its has been 3 month since we met. My days can never be better without her. She the only one who can reduce my anger, can make me calm, and she's slowly changing me. I never thought that some day I'll be able finding love. And here I am sitting and thinking of her. Just imagine her make my heart beat fast, my desire floating.

I want her to be mine, only me. I don't care if I know her for few month. I don't want any man wants her. She might doesn't notice that she's beautiful, awesome, adorable. I always see when we out together, there's some stupid guys staring at her, I feel like I want to punch them. I love how her attention to me. Every morning before I'm going to work she always make sure my suit is presentable, she's makes sure that I eat properly, damn I love her to the moon and back.

I have to prepare how to proposed her. I want she know how much I loved her. She's not like other women. While every women dreams a grand wedding, she's just like simple thing. I give her the black card, guess what ? she's almost never use it. Does she know how much do I have, I'm billionaire for god sake, she can buy everything that she want.

I press my intercom tell Billy to come to my office. Billy knock my door then he walks in front of my desk "Sir, this is file for the next meeting"

"Billy can you prepared my jet tomorrow, I need to leave"

Billy raise his eyebrow, "May I know Sir where you will take a leave ?"

"I need to go to Bali, I want to proposed Annie there" I grinned to him

Billy nodded smiled widely " I'm glad finally you get what you want Sir, Annie is good women, I can see how she loves you, take good care of her, Sir"

"I will" he walking out from my office then I'm pick the file and focusing to work.

When I'm home, I put my briefcase, looking for Annie. I see our room, but she's not there. I'm going to Mia's room, knock then opened it. Mia is laying on her bed, her eyes into the televesion

"Mia, do you know where's mom ? I move to her and sit in her bed.

Mia put her hed on my lap, I stroke her hair "Hi daddy, I think she's in the library, last time I see she's reading her book there"

"Do you me a favor Mia ? I still playing with her hair.

She stand then looking at me seriously. "I need your permission, I want to propose your mom, Mia. Do you want me to be your legal dad ? I love both of you so much, I can't live without you all, and of course I don't want any men close to your mom" I grab her hand. Every word that I said is sincerity.

Mia cries and hug me "dad, I accepted you, I know how much you love mom. I'm happy finally that day some, and thank good its faster than I thought" she teasing me. I winked "Its secret okay" Mia smile widely to me.

I kiss the top of her head. I stand the walking to the door, looking back at her and smiling then I closed her door. Walking to the library, I open the door seeing Annie sitting in the couch, she doesn't notice me. I walking slowly near her. She's looked up at me smile, walking to my side then hug me.

I sit and grab her waist pull her to sit in my lap. I stroke behind her back and whisper softly to her neck "Baby, I missed you, I never get enough with you, you know?

Annie giggle, god she's adorable. "Tomorrow I want to take you to a place" her eyes is shining.

"Where we go? she curious and put her hand in my chest. I kiss her neck "Its surprise, baby" she's moan. I don't know how much longer can I handle to not take her tonight. Since I met her, I have to take cold shower every time. I don't know how much longer I can handle my desire.