
The faint darkness has chameleon to light as the day shines brightly like Swarovski crystal. The sonorous voices of the birds kept penetrating my ears as I reluctantly rose from bed with some throbbing sensation.

"Ahn! This headache!"  I bellowed in pains.

Shade was still lain in bed but I could tell she was awake.

"Is she thinking about what happened? " I blurted.

"You know I can hear you right?" her whimpering effect changed her euphonious sound to a gruff voice, and her brows were drawned together in a frown.

I didn't let her face get to me. I did not  send her to get her heart broken. I cannot be all moody all because of her. Without looking at her I pulled my bag from the closet and brought out a tablet for my headache.

Shade kept tossing and turning over and over again with excessive sighing. I knew she was worried and she needed to be comforted however it's not as if I am a love doctor, I would only pretend as if I care.

"Hey babe, stop thinking about the ish." I said in a calm voice while she turned her face away to the other corner of the room.

"Don't allow yourself get stressed over a guy. The moment he realized you are wallowing in sadness all because of him, he begins to feel fly ontop the world. Moreover, it's not as if you guys are broken up yet." I emphasized. Even so, I do not think she heard all I said but I continued talking anyway.

"Small problem, you are already ragged and tattered like an old and torn cloth. Why have you binded yourself in shackles and chains? Drowned by worries and paranoia. I don't understand you. Is this all over a little problem?" I asked but silence remain her answer and that put me in vexation.

"Why are mine even troubling myself? " I thought as I stood up and sat by the table.

"See, I am just gonna say this last word. No relationship is perfect. We only share the same umbrella to prevent storm. I don't even think your relationship as even gotten to that level yet. Maybe if he wants you to keep your relationship from me. Maybe you should. At least that will make your relationship go steady on a straight road into paradise."

"I won't do that," her dreadful voice breezed from her mouth as she turned her face to look at me. Maybe she wanted more talks but I am just done talking.

"Maybe it's high time you felt the same I way I have  always been feeling when you and your love bird  were soaring high up in the sky being happy without minding how you inflicted me with pains."I thought while I picked up my phone and dialed Dele's number.

His phone continued to ring for the fourth time but surprisingly he wasn't picking up. "What is he doing? Why is he not picking my calls? Is he cheating on me? Shameless fool, I knew all guys are the same!" I kept thinking as I continued to try the number again and again and again.

"Maybe he is just not with the phone. Perhaps you can call him again after some time?" said Shade as she rose to sit more upright

"Trust me bae, he is with the phone but intentionally not picking up. I know he is cheating, I can feel it in my belly and..." just before I finished talking, my phone began to ring and it was Dele calling back.

"Hey! Heya! Howdy?" He said shouting at the top of his voice.

"Where are you? I can hear music underneath your voice."  I asked immediately.

"I am at home. Just playing some cool cool music. Sorry I missed your call, I didn't hear it ring" he said as he continued talking aloud.

"Okay, I am coming over." I said affirmatively.

"Wait! What?" He asked being confused or surprised, I do not know.

"Yes baby, I love you too" I said while I quickly looked at Shade and turned away immediately.

"Wait! What?" He asked again stoping the music from his background.

"Yes, what are you saying?" He asked in a more relaxed tone.

"Yes baby, I said I love you." I said trying to force a smile.

"Oh! I love you too." He answered but I could sense he was confused.

"So, you want me to come to your place?" I chuckled as I turned to look at Shade again and slowly turned my eyes away.

"O...k...ay, you ma...y, if you want to?" he said with slowly with a delibrant pause at a point.

"So?" I asked with the same smile that seems never to end.

"So... what?" He asked slowly

"Address?" I said as I caress the tip of my hair. I can sense Shade was looking at me so firmly and wishing to be the one on call with Joshua.

"Oh! Yeah! address! I will text it to you after this call." He answered affirmatively.

"Alright, lot of kisses love. Don't miss me, I am on my way" I said as I hung up the call.

"That was Dele by the way, he wants me to come over." I said as I turned to Shade.

She was still sober, sad and not in the mood for the kind of conversation but that was the plan, I needed her to feel that very pain.

"So, I will be going after taking my bath. Don't know when I will be back  because it's going to be a fun filled day. Don't cook my food, I will give you a call don't worry." I said joyously as I continued to romance my hand on my necklace.

My bath was a quick one as I rushed out of the house after he had sent me his address . I could not quickly get a bike as I had thought I would, waiting for so long by the road side is what I hated so much but it doesn't seem like I had any other choice.

I could see a guy walking down my path from a distance. He kept on making some horrible sounds to call me or get my attention which irritate me so much. Did he think he is calling an animal? Perhaps I am the dog he was woofing to call? Maybe not me! Maybe someone else down the road.

"fine girl, I has ehn calls you for far far away but you don't heard me." He said standing bold and giving a big smile to compliment his odious aroma, horrible English and intonation.

"Sorry, are you a student of this school?" I asked almost immediately while I  moved backward a bit to give a clear look at him.

"Yes naw Shey  I didn't looked likes a stukent ni?" He asked smiling more widely which revealed his white set of teeth.