Sugar On The Lips

I kept stealing on Prince's look. His face and hair sparked in delight of cuteness and wonderfulness. Not only was he nice to look at that moment. His gadgets complimented his handsomeness as I continued to steal his look and fixing my eyes on his gadgets on the table.

"Hmm. How wonderful would It look if I start using an iPhone? Guess who will die of frustration?" I hummed aloud and thought to myself.

Prince cleared his voice and asked where Shade had gone. The question I was more than happy to answer.

"Her name is Shade, she went to her boyfriend's place." I said with a beautiful sneer which was quite unnoticeable.

I was amazed when prince stood up from the chair he sat and came closer to me: sitting on my bed with me.

"You see Cynthia, I'd love to tell you something."