Road to Hijack

Thinking about all these that has happened to me. I knew for a fact I was back to where I began. Everyone proved to be a green snake under green grass, and no one can be as good just the way Joshua was to Shade.

He was such a lovable guy, a person of self-worth and everything a lady can ever wished for in a guy. Multiple gifts he had gifted Shade, not to mention the cake and the necklace he bought her which I knew he did because some 'she goat' shined it in my presence. Definitely to make me jealous, If only she knew that a tiger will slowly, and silently walks up on its prey until it killed it and feeds on it for dinner. She wouldn't dare try poke at me.

One fact which has always remain true was that I was never going to let her eat the cake and have me remain hungry. Though Joshua didn't ask me out, instead he chooses some fowl over me yet, I was never going to relent. We were always bid to go extra length to get what we want and this is me, pursuing my interest.