
I wouldn't even know there was something called the seven seven if I had not received a text from my angels.

It was just seven in the evening and the pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. Shade and I weren't still talking and I cared less about why she decided to distant herself. In fact, I preferred it this way. We should just stop talking if talking will not allow me get my man.

I felt the need to call Joshua on the phone and ask how his day went. But I didn't as I knew Shade was with him throughout the day until some moments ago when she came in.

I have been saying it and I will still repeat it that she needs to get a life. Why should her life revolve around Joshua? Maybe it's time John Moses starts calling her from time to time. Maybe her sweet wonderful relationship will mash into sadness just quickly enough.

"Crooks through the weeds, and the plants to the trees, and to the falls of the tree. Togetherness we are stronger!"