Chapter 5

She pointed at her desk with the tip of her pen. "I'll get on with it."

Aquila nodded as she got up and walked out of the room. Now alone, Aquila sat back in his chair as his stomach tightened. He cleared his throat as he reached out his hand and began to play with his pen. What does he need to worry about? He just craved one of Atiya 's wonderful cupcakes. That is all.

Aquila tensed as he stood outside the quaint bakery on Douglas Avenue. He patted her thigh and stared at her. The storefront is painted light teal. A small metal table with two chairs in front. Even from here, he could smell a variety of pastries. It made him salivate.

A large window at the front displays bread baskets and trays of cupcakes and a variety of delicious desserts. Aquila tried not to look at the people moving inside, but in his heart, he hoped to catch a glimpse of Atiya .

Just as he was convincing himself it was ridiculous to go home, a melodious voice said behind him: "Come over here sometime?"

Startled, Aquila spun around. A petite woman with white hair in a bun and rainbow-speckled glasses stared at him. She wrapped a multicolored scarf around her neck and reached her knees. His black coat was a bit loose and drooping.

"I'm sorry?" Aquila asked and then kicked himself for looking so stupid.

The woman gave him a big smile and nodded towards the bakery. "I said, come here often?"

He shook his head. "No. First time."

The woman took his hand and headed straight for the door. "Ah, it's a place to eat. Not a place where you stand outside and look at all the dishes.

Not knowing what to do, Aquila followed her. "I just don't…"

She squeezed. Take his hand. Realizing that he won't be able to do that, he allows her to drag him into the store.

The three customers inside turned to him and the mysterious woman.

"April ," an old man exclaimed, nodding his head at her.

"George, how are you today?" she asked as she dragged Aquila to a glass case where rows of dumplings, cupcakes and donuts filled the shelves. "Pick one," she said, pointing at the food.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw April walk over to the counter and sneak behind the counter. She rolled up her scarf and hung it on a hook on the wall.

Her heart sank. She must be the owner of the shop, which means he picked the wrong bakery. But Lennie seemed very certain.

After April tied an apron around her waist, she approached him. "So? You choose?"

Aquila stared at his cream-filled shorts. "I'll get one," he said, straightening up.

"This is also my favorite." She opened the cupboard door and pulled out the tray.

Aquila looked around. How was Lennie wrong about the owner of this place? He tapped his fingers on the counter and watched as April put the donut in his pocket and rolled the top. You should have known without coming here. It was as if fate was laughing at him. Why do you allow yourself to hope?

"Are you the boss?" He asks.

April pursed her burgundy lips and nodded. "I've owned this building since I was twenty." Then she leaned over the counter. "And that was a few years ago." She smirked at him.

Aquila 's heart sank. "Open."

She put the bag back. "Are you single?" she asked as he pressed a few buttons on the register and he spat into the drawer.

He has a cough. "Well, I—"

"It's not for me, honey." She reached out and fiddled with the locket around her neck. "There's only been one love in my life, and he died thirty-five years ago."

Realizing that she wasn't talking about starting a relationship with him, Aquila leaned against the counter. "My condolences."

April waved her hand. "It's not your fault. The poor man died the day before our wedding. She nodded toward the far wall. "He's the perfect man." Sitting on the hood Volkswagen Rabbit, arms around a tall guy in a suit.

April sighed as she pressed her lips to her two fingers and pushed them toward the painting. "I love you."

Aquila looked at her as he dropped the twenty on the counter. She was a strange woman, but he couldn't help but love her. "Anyway, I have this niece and she's looking for a man," April said as she turned around and took change from a drawer.

Aquila ' throat tightened. He had enough moms, aunts, and grandmothers to try to groom him for the rest of his life. "Actually, I wasn't really looking," he said, snatching the bag from her hand. Plus, with Raquel , he protected any woman from the complicated mess that a relationship with him would turn into.

She nodded with her left hand. "Honey, there are no rings. It means you are still searching.

Aquila swallowed. How will he get out of here? "I just went through a bad breakup." It was a joke. The last time he dated someone was three years ago and it lasted all the while drinking in Manhattan.

The corner of April 's lips pulled back. "Wow, that's silly. I'm sure you two would get along really well." She took some towels and placed them in front of him. "She's new here and it would be great if she had such a handsome man. Let him see."

"Yes. She is right. Though she is terrible with men. Apparently a few days ago she went to see a rich man and was completely humiliated in front of him. Poor girl. I can't stop talking about it. She said he was quite handsome. April shook his head. "This girl is so beautiful. I just don't understand why she can't have a man. She glanced at him. "Look at me, it goes on and on."

Aquila ' ears perked up. What did April just say? He leaned closer. "What's your niece's name?"

Before April could say anything else, the door behind her opened and Aquila met Atiya Bailey ' bright green eyes and strawberry blonde hair.