Chapter 9

A Q U I L A   

Aquila  stood  in   front   of  the  bakery   and   looked  around.  His   heart   throbbed.   What  the  hell  was he doing here? He peered  into  the  store.  It was closed and the windows  were   pitch   black.   Standing  there in the  cold   made   him   feel  stupid. Why  did  he  agree  to  this?  He  picked   up   his   pace.  Was he a fool to come here? When April   asks,  he  is  excited  about  spending more time with Atiya . But now, standing on the  pavement,  he felt ridiculous. He, Atiya , and April  had nothing in common. They  came  from different worlds.  Perhaps  he should  call Georgia  to  pick him up.  The  pounding  of his  heart  rang  in  my   ears,   and   memories  of Atiya   came   flooding   back.   She  seemed so confident and  confident  when they  spoke  earlier  in   the  day.  She  was  what  he lacked.  After   Rose  's   death,  the only thing he was sure of  was   the   fact   that  he  wasn't   sure   about  everything.  He  rubbed  his face with his free  hand   and   sighed.  Why  is  he  so   stupid   at   times?  Did he think that  spending  more time with  Atiya    might   make   her   feel   for  him? He could only imagine what Raquel  would say if she knew  she  was  seeing   the   workers.  Why did he think  it   could   be   different  this  time?Oh,  even in his  head   he   sounded   stupid.  He  held  the wine bottle  close  to his chest  and   gasped  as he watched his breath  escape.  What a fool he  was!   Someone   behind   him   cleared   his   throat   as  he reached into his  cell   phone   pocket.   "How  long have you been standing  there?"   asked   Atiya 's  sweet  voice.   Putting   the  phone back  on,   he   cowered  and  grew   tense.   He   turned   around   and   took   a   deep  breath. Atiya   stood  next to  the  open door. She  shifted   her   gaze   over   him   with  a  mischievous  smile on her  lips.   She   swapped  her apron and  flour  pants for  skinny jeans and a dark blue sweater. It  accentuated  her  white  skin.  Well, there was no chance of  escape.   He  was  trapped   inside.   "It's   been   a   while.  Where  are  you  from?"  he asked as he  looked  around  and   saw   the  stairs.  Oh  he should have known.  Many  of these buildings had  apartments   on   the   top   floors.   "We  live  there,"  she said,  pointing   to   a  row of brightly lit windows.  "How  long have you lived with your  aunt?"  he asked  after  her   aunt.   They   went  up the stairs.  "She   gave   me  the shop  so I could open  a  bakery. Before  mine  was a coffee shop.  New   York's   premier  real  estate.  After  her   father  died, I  thought  I had to  come   to   terms   with   it."  She paused  on  the  door.  Her hand  was  on the doorknob.  A  sharp   pain  of  grief   seized  Aquila . She knew what  her  loss was like.  Just  like him. He  looked  up at her and  lost   herself   in   her   gaze  for a  moment.  She was only a foot away from him. The smell of her perfume mixed with  her  baked goods  enveloped  her. It  made   him   drunk.   He   took  a step  back   and  swallowed. He  acted  like a  broken   child.   He   had  to stop it.  Now.   "My   condolences,"  he said.  She  shrugged.  "That's   fine."   As   she  turned the  handle,  the  scent  of garlic bread and marinara wafted  through   her  open door.  Aquila '  stomach growled. He  hasn't  eaten anything since  he   ate   a   donut   earlier.   I   thought  the  idea of  home   cooking   was   great.   "Here   you   go,  Aunt  April ,"  she  said  as she  took   off  her shoes  at  the door.  Aquila  reached  out   his   hand  and  took   off   her   shoes.   As   he   straightened  his  spine,  he  looked   around  the small living room.  I   had   too   much   furniture.   The   pink   sofa   and   the   two-seater   sofa  were  at   right   angles.  Both were covered  with   colorful   flower   pillows.  The largest wall was lined with bookshelves  filled  with books.  He  fixed  his gaze  on   an  old  suitcase   standing  in the middle of the room with a vase  on  it. The walls were  covered  with  photographs  and paintings.  A   stark  contrast to the white  house  his mother  designed  for  him   as   an   interior   designer.  This place felt like  home.  It  felt like an operating room.  "We're   going   to  eat over  there,"  Atiya   said,   nodding   to  the small round table to the right of where they  were   standing.   "I  know  it   doesn't   compare   to  what  we  have at  home,   but  it  works." 


Aquila  tapped his  foot   with  his  finger.   "It's   perfect."  And  it  was  true.  Atiya  snorted.  "What  kitchen  do  you have?  That's   great.  I can only imagine what it would be like to bake in something that  big." 


Aquila   stared   at  her. She seemed  convinced that a big kitchen or money  would   fix  everything.  She   didn't  know  he was  full   of   suspicions.   He   would  give  up   everything   for  Rose    to  come back.  Because   he   has  wasted  his  precious time in  pursuit.   He  cleared his throat.  He   had  to  put  it together.  "Thank   you,"  he  muttered.   "I   didn't  scare you  after   all,   did   I?"  April  asked as she emerged from the kitchen with a steaming bowl of pasta in her  hand.   "Atiya   was worried  I  was  too  strong."  She leaned  forward.


Aquila  shook his head.  "You   didn't  scare  me."  He was used to  her   woman   interfering   in  his life. He smiled  and   handed   her   a  bottle  of   wine.   "I  brought  it." 


 "Dominus  Estate.  It's   an   expensive   bottle,"  said  April ,   pointing  to an  empty   spot  on the table.  When   he  put it down, she  put  the bowl of  noodles  next to it.  "Atiya ,   get   me   a   glass   of   wine.  The marinara  will   be   ready   soon."  She smiled at him and disappeared  into  her   kitchen.   Atiya    opened  the  door   to  the  hut   only  inches from the table. She  picked   up  three wine glasses.  "I   didn't  have to do  that,"  she said,  pointing   to  the bottle.  Desperate  to  help,  Aquila  reached out  to   her  and grabbed one of the glasses she  was   holding  and  placed  it  in  the farthest  place.   "You'll   find  that bringing wine is  the only  way  I  cook."