Chapter 21

Atiya parted her lips to think of something to silence her aunt. Why was she so mad? Luckily, Georgia rushed in with a truckload of boxes. It's the perfect distraction. Perhaps later they would discuss what happened, but now she had to bake bread. "April , help me," she said, pointing to the box they had to unload. She quickly fell in love with flour, sugar and blueberries. The kitchen was filled with the scent of muffins. She sighed as she pulled out the last can. She still had an hour before she packed her things and took her downtown. The kitchen door flung open as Atiya filled the sink with soapy water. April gave up helping her and sat at the counter with her chin in hand and her eyes closed. Atiya let her rest because she was tired recently. And it was almost finished. "Isabella?" she asked in a harsh high-pitched voice. Atiya peeked at him from the side of the refrigerator. Well, it really was the perfect hideaway. "I'm sorry, it's me." She smiled, but the ruthlessness emanating from Aquila ' mother seemed to paralyze her. It was the same look she gave Atiya at her birthday party. Her eyes fell on Atiya . "Are you the new maid?" she asked. That comment set Atiya 's stomach on fire. "No, I'm Aquila ' friend."

Her perfectly drawn eyebrows rose. "I didn't know Aquila had a new boyfriend." She narrowed her eyes as she stuck out her finger. "I know where I know you from. You're the baker I hired for his party, aren't you?" Her face became serious. "what are you doing here?"

Atiya swallowed. With every minute she spent in this woman's presence, her confidence sank. "I had to use his oven," she said. "His oven? Is that what kids call it these days?

"Nothing to it. I absolutely had to use it. A big machine broke down and I had to do a lot of work." She pointed to a stack of white boxes on the counter behind her. After his mother glanced at the box, she turned her attention back to Atiya . She almost slipped and went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water. Atiya relieved the tension that was tightening her muscles. I wish she could have convinced this woman that she wasn't here just to sleep with her son. Atiya 's confidence plummeted on all 30 floors when her mother turned around again. "Let's talk girl to girl," she said, curling her lips and smiling. Her voice seemed cheerful, but her tone was not. "I know why you are here. Aquila is absent. And he's never going to be a baker." She spat out her last words as if there was a bitter taste on her tongue. She put her finger up. "I'm not done yet. It's rude to interrupt." She paused, letting her own words drift into the air around Atiya . Wow, now she's scolded like a child. "You two are from different worlds," she laughs as she runs her hands in the kitchen. "Did you really think you could fit into this life? I mean, look at my assistant. I fell asleep at work." She snorted as she stared at April . "Typical." Atiya wanted to say something. To insult the woman. But in her anger, she didn't want to make waves with Aquila and his mother, so she just stood there and pursed her lips.

His mother raised an eyebrow. "No, you are not worthy of this life. He needs a woman who can educate him, not oppress him. And that's exactly what you do. Squeeze." He. "Down," she twisted the cap on her bottle, reached into a nearby cupboard, and took out her glass. "Now shut up and get out of here. He's not paying the maid to clean up behind you." She turned and said, "And stay away from Aquila ." and left the room. There was an impact sound, and Atiya jumped up. When she returned to her soap dish, her nerves exploded all over. What happened now? Holding back a sob, she picked up her mixing bowl and dipped it in the water. She remembered why she hated her rich man so much. After scrubbing the bowl, she rinsed it off and put it beside her. If she wasn't afraid of the dough drying out by the time she got back to her shop, she'd collect her dishes and rush out of here. So even though she just wanted to leave, she stayed and washed her body. "Are you okay?" April asked from behind. "sorry. I must have fallen asleep for a while. "

Atiya swallowed all her emotions and turned to April . She forced a smile, praying that April wouldn't see the pain behind her own expression. "I just want to get out of here," she said softly. The last thing she wanted to do was talk about what happened or about Aquila . Luckily, April nodded and picked up a tea towel. With her help, they finished washing the dishes in 15 minutes and packed the taxi Atiya had called, much to Georgia's annoyance. Atiya let out a sigh of relief as they sat in the cab and exited the building. One thing was certain, she would be surprised if Aquila Scott contacted her again. If her mother felt that way, I'm sure Aquila felt the same way. She would be a fool to believe he was different, and her father didn't raise a fool.