Chapter 44


The next morning, Atiya woke up feeling a little like the princesses in the movies she saw as a child. Everything around her felt lighter. The constant hammering and nailing of the building below her didn't bother her today. She loved Aquila and Aquila loved her. That was all that mattered. After showering and getting dressed, she went downstairs. She was busy There didn't seem to be enough things in her closet to wear to Rose 's celebration. Nothing was better than getting tired with Aquila . He was elegant and cultured. And Atiya believed this gala would be like that. She was also reunited with his mother. The thought made her stomach itch when she entered the store. Deep down she wanted her mother to love her, but it never happened. She made that clear in his kitchen that day. The only way to persuade her was to suddenly become Queen of England or win the lottery. And that will never happen. But she knew from the feeling of her sinking in her stomach that it would always bother her that Raquel hated her. Even if it didn't change her feelings for Aquila . She shakes off her bad memories and approaches the counter to find April standing by the register, frantically scribbling on paper. Atiya waited for April to say thank you and then hung up. I couldn't read April 's expression. Panic and excitement became one. "What?" Atiya asked. April slammed the newspaper against the counter. "We've been asked to provide cookies for the mayor's Christmas party! Detty convinced them they were stupid not to go with us!" she screeches as she dances around the store. Raised. Her negative thoughts of Raquel disappeared from Atiya 's mind. It was so big. After reporting to the mayor, things finally started to improve. Thomas had to speed things up to prepare a kitchen for baking bread. As if on signal, Thomas came out of the plastic-wrapped door. He examined the clipboard in front of him. Atiya involuntarily raised her voice and looked up. "What?" he asked. "What are we doing on the timeline?" Atiya asked, trying to stifle his excitement. He shrugged. "I'm thinking about it for a week."

Atiya ran over and grabbed his arm. "That is wonderful."

Thomas stiffened her body in her embrace. "I am married," he said. Atiya backed away, laughing. "Oh, Thomas, that's lonely."

He stared at her. "I am really married."

Atiya walked up to April and waved in his direction. Everything was perfect. Perhaps this was her happy life. "I think I'll go shopping for clothes tonight. Could you run a shop for me? "

April stared at her. "Is there anything better?"

"If only you knew." Atiya pulled her in and hugged her tightly. "Thank you," she said and grabbed her coat off. After the lights were on, she slipped out of the shop into the morning air. She had exactly seven hours to make up before Aquila picked her up. 7 hours to take off your socks. 7 hours to find a way to get Raquel to like you. Entering her first boutique, she let out a sigh. Well, the first two of hers should be achievable. It should have been worth something. A floor-length black satin dress surrounded Atiya as she walked around the store. Aquila was late. Anxiety welled up in her belly. Did he tell Raquel about their relationship? Did he decide to withdraw? As far as she knows, Raquel can get pretty ferocious if she wants to. And she had her nails buried pretty deep in Aquila . He was a very strong person, but when it came to memories of Raquel and Rose , he was very lost. She couldn't blame him for it. I think it was difficult to carry everyone's happiness. Atiya reached out and removed a bunch of hairpins stuck in her head. The barber claimed that braids and a hair bun would look beautiful on her. Atiya caught her reflection in the glass window. The hairstylist was right when she said Atiya looked like a Greek goddess. But it took a few pins to make it a reality. She focused when she saw movement in front of the store through the window. Her heart was racing in the back of her throat as she watched Aquila get out of the limousine and button up his tuxedo. His hair was deliberately messed up. His stubble remained, but was cleaned. Her stomach was full of butterflies. He was hers All of her she threw open the door without waiting for him to knock and wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms were wrapped around her waist and he lifted her up to kiss her. She chuckled as she touched her lips. As they parted, Aquila rolled her eyes and let her sink to the floor. "Oh." MS. Bailey , you look great," he said in a sulky voice full of approval. He closed the door. "Well, thank you, Mr. Scott ," she bowed. As she sat up, he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward him.

"It smells and feels good," he whispered around her neck, running his hand over the fabric on her back. "I'll let Bernadetta know."

He withdrew. "Bernadette?"

"The store owner said you'd be a fool if you didn't buy this dress."

Aquila leaned against her neck. "Please give my best regards to Bernadette."

"I do," she said, pulling her body away and tilting her face toward him. He replied by bowing her head and touching her lips. Atiya backed off before she was hooked on the kiss. "We should go. We don't want to be late. After all, you are a man of honor."

Aquila groaned. "Stay here."

Atiya grinned and grabbed his coat and shook his head. "No, it doesn't. Your mother doesn't like me anymore."

His eyebrows rose sharply. "That's why we shouldn't go. My father is there too. That's exactly what family melodrama is waiting to happen. "