Chapter 329 - Sceptre Of Doom

"Stop right there!"

D jumped in between them and extended his hand to the Draconic Wyverns. The gesture and the action surprised the beasts and Zena and Fero unconsciously bore fangs at D.

"If that is the way to revive the Sceptre, if we have a chance of reviving the Sceptre, then this subspace won't withstand the pressure. We will all be thrown into the abyss of the darkness."

D continuously gestured at the trio to move backwards until the headpiece was devoid of any humming. It became a normal metal piece with a greyish-silver texture.

"Do you have a plan? Every attempt of mine to open a portal to the main dimension had failed consistently."

D turned to look at Hudson's face over his shoulder and spoke like a badass villain-

"You are not me."