The world was devastated by war. Every single day was a nightmare. No place had been considered safe for more than a few decades. And the end was inevitably near.
It was unstoppable as mother Earth punished all those who abused her. The lands were infested with sickness as landslides and earthquakes accompanied the day and night. The water became undrinkable and the seas became violent.
The world was in a state of destruction.
And no one could stop it.
Amidst the tragedy, everyone stopped killing one another—put down their weapons and banded together to try and survive the anger of the Earth. But the world was already in a state that made recovery impossible.
Well… Almost.
There were people that showed they have special abilities; the people who were called 'Reins'. And with their help, recovery was made possible. And the said recovery was done within a year. For these superhumans, everything was within their reach.
Normal humans feared that if Reins were to band together they will be, no doubt, successful. In fear, the new government thought of an idea to keep them in line. And so, they have created a pact that will keep the harmony that they have just discovered.
Thus, the Peace Treaty was created.
For decades, both sides lived peacefully together.
And for a century, the peace was kept.