Looting a dead body...

A bright ray of light fell on his face as Veru rested unconsciously on the sandy beach, with Klyne lying next to him.

His eyes slowly opened, the clear blue sky reflected itself on his eyes whose olive hint made the sky look slightly green.

He raised his head, finding himself lying on the bed of sand, he wiped any residue of sand off his face, and then rubbed his eyes.

Unfortunately, some particles that were in his hands went into his eyes.

Roughly rubbing it, and continuously attempting to remove the debris he managed to take the particles out.

He got up and took a brief look at the surroundings.

On one side it was a vast stretch of light blue, that glittered in the bright sunshine; the sun was at his head, and on the other side was an endless stretch of sandy soil.

"Did we all manage to reach land safely?"

It was a dumb question. Not looking at his surroundings carefully, he was foolish to even ask the question.

"I don't know much about Sanim, but the other two are good at swimming. Maybe they all landed on this island."

Nearly shutting eyes, he looked far on the long stretch of blue. As far as he could look, there weren't any land masses near him. 

"Are they no islands around?"

Even after raising his body standing on his toes, he couldn't find any sign of land.

He sighed, shaking away the sense of incompetence, and turned back.

His eyes fell on the black-haired man resting on the sand, whom once he saw on the ship. He went towards the unconscious body but hesitated to wake him; he didn't know how the person would react.

'There is no one near me, and he may be the only one. Should I wake him up?'

Shaking his head to clear the questions, he took a twig lying on the beach and poked the man from a distance.

"Are you alive or dead?"

Was it an appropriate question to even ask the man? He sat on his knees and continued to poke the man.

"Hey, are you dead? If not then wake up."

Veru, still suspicious of Klyne gulped down his cold froth and decided to approach him.

He gave the body a slight jerk, "Hey, wake up!"

Klyne didn't show any signs of life. Veru once again shook the body that rested unconsciously.

"Hey, wake up! Are you even alive?"

Veru, taking a deep breath and releasing it; in the process calming himself down, decided to check his pulse, but he failed.

He only saw other men checking the pulse from a distance, and instead of sensing the wrist, he went for the palm.

'It isn't moving at all. Am I alone on this island?'

He asked himself as he recalled others checking heartbeat to find whether a person was alive or dead.

He gently put his head on the chest, to be exact it was on his lower right chest.


Hearing no sound what others mentioned he confirmed his hypothesis.

"So, as far as I know, there is no one with me. Maybe there are some people on the other side? I hope they are safe and sound."

He got up, dusted his pants, and looked at Klyne. "How could he have survived? He must have been either unconscious when he fell or must have died at the very moment."


He looked at the body with pity, but his gaze was also full of dismay. "I may be the only one. How can I possibly survive alone here?"

Veru was the least suited for surviving alone. His dependence on Hina, was unusual, even for a friend. Whenever he needed to do any mental intensive task, he would ask her for help.

He turned at the sea, and then at the body lying next to his feet.

He bit his lips, having the body a confused look. "What should I do? If I remember correctly, she told me to respect the dead, but Hose advised me to grab anything I can find." 

He pondered for a while, staring at the body, and then undressed him.

He removed everything he could, leaving Klyne with just his undergarments.

"This all is useless."

He looked at the items lying next to his.

A phone drowned and filled with water, a pen, and a cube.

He looked at the white clothing, and then at himself. His clothes were all tattered.

"I should use them at night, but what now?"

He looked at the body, as he clicked his tongue. He grabbed the hands and dragged him to the sea. "If I leave his body here, it would rot and would stink. It's better for me to feed him to the fishes."

Brain and brawl never come together, and Veru was the brawl. He was a simple-minded guy and hardly applied any critical thinking to his actions.

He dragged the body to the sea and went as deep as he could, holding the body.

"I am at my limit." 

Thinking the water wasn't too shallow, he threw the body into the sea. 


He wiped his forehead of the countless beads of perspiration as he saw the body sinking deep into the water, and then engulfed into dark deep water.

He swam back to the shore and hid his head from the direct sunlight with the while coat.

"It is heavy."

Veru wailed.

He continued to walk until he found a stretch of lush green tall trees.