So, This is not going to be dropped

Sup, So I would like to thank you all who have come here this far. I made this book when I was in class 4, and changed some parts, as to fill the butloads of plot holes, and when I saw WPC of the same theme, I entered it

Sadly, I didn't win it.

My novel steered from the actual topic, and focused on the character build-up, and the actual plot related to the theme came up in the later chapters.

So, since I didn't win the WPC, in some or another I am relieved.

I don't need to compromise with my quality with quantity, and therefore can focus on actual development rather than pumping chapters with no or little of actual significance.

So, I thought to announce this, as I am still getting a constant flow of readers, which was the only reason I joined WN, to let others read what I write, and running after the contract was for ammasing readers.

Welp, since I have already broken the schedule of 1/2 chapters per day, I am going to return back to my previous schedule.

No more regular releases; They will be erratic as fuck, and you might even get frustrated.

So, sorry for litting up your hopes, and if you aren't satisfied with the eratic schedule, you can either drop this or just leave it in the reading list, and binge it later.

So, Let's see if Veru will choose the Devil or God...