Testing Skills 3

' Could this be just a coincidence?'

"This manhwa you told me about, can you show it to me?"


Carl's face lit it like a christmas tree. He seemed so excited.

"Come with me."


' I just hope that I'll find out something useful.'


Inside Carl's room , Jack was listening to the explanation about the Gamer's powers.

"Look, it's this right here. See how he levels up by completing a quest from his mother and also creates skill just by repeating a certain action.

*Scroll scroll*


See this right here also. If he has the stats required he can learn skills from just touching a book."

Carl was talking and explaining to his brother the range of abilities 'the gamer' had, but little was heard by Jack as he was staring at the computer screen with unblinking eyes.

'How is this possible? The powers he gained are so similar to mine , but not completely the same.

For one, he seems to gain five stat points each time he levels up, he can see the levels of people around him and can even create dungeons so he can grind.

All in all his powers just seem like mine , but more juiced up.

Lastly, his two skills; 'gamers body's and 'gamers mind' are not in my skills tab.

I have to explore this more.'

"Great, this is exactly what I wanted."

"Heh, it was my pleasure. So, when will you start to write it?

Can I read it before you show it to her?"


"Well see about that. For now I have some business to do.

*Tap tap*

Ah I almost forgot to tell you. If someone asks were I am tell them that I'm going to my grandparents house."

"Okay, but can I get your room if you decide to not come back?"



If I don't decide to return, then you can take my room."



Two days later.

In what looked like a new forest with tree's not longer than 10 meters a young man was throwing rocks at one of the tree's.



He was doing such a childish thing , but his face was that of deep concentration , like he was facing against his archenemy.


' I'm so glad I decided to move to the grandparents house here in the stick's instead body staying at home. The solitude of the forest around the house for miles made this the perfect place to train my skills without anyone interrupting me or finding anything out about the app.'


*Tap tap*




Lv 2

+ 12% accuracy ,+ 2 strength when attacking at range.

This applies to stones, arrows, javelins and all other ranged weapons that rely on your physical strength to throw them. (Guns, crossbows and similar weapons not included.)



Lv 3

Movement speed + 8% , stamina decrease - 8%.

"Great, booth my skills have leveled up with 'shoot' being at level 2 and 'run' at level 3.



Jack Hunter



















Level 2

69/100 %

Stat Points


' My status page hasn't changed at all , but it's to be expected. I haven't tried to raise any of my stats so I could have time to think about my direction.

From reading the gamer I saw that he chose the path of a mage and used almost all his points on increasing his intelligence and the rest went on his wisdom.

In return his huge mana capacity and mana recovery speed made him able to cast spell's without worrying about his mana running out.

Even though he was like a mage in terms of stat distribution his physical prowess was not to be trifled with as he learned a martial arts skill that when leveled up not only increased his mana capacity but also all his other physical stats.

He was to OP.


Everytime I think about him never running out of mana I think about those action movies where the main character kills at least 100 bad guys without even changing the magazine of his weapon once when in reality if you shot an assault rifle like the Ak-47 without stop, your magazine would last less than 3 seconds.

For me that was not an option as I have come to find that I can't learn skills like the protagonist in the Gamer manhwa. I have tried all kinds of things and repeated them countless times , but there was no new skill in my skills tab, so I came to the conclusion that skills may be learned only inside the dungeon or maybe there was some kind of condition I hadn't found out yet.

There was however a a silver lining as I had the system store where I could by anything from legendary weapons to elixirs of immortality and as you would expect there were also skills who were to pricey for me at the moment.

The skill punch was 150 gold and that was one of the lowest of the skills in their so you would imagine the price of powerful skills.

"I am almost ready for my next dungeon experience.



Dungeons Available


Slimy Tunnel

This dungeon is located in an abandoned mine that has been overrun by slimes after the mine was abandoned.

' Slimy tunnel , hehehehe..

Whoever named it is a very funny person with a special kind of humor.'

"I'm almost all set up. The only thing that is missing is a proper weapon.

I've thought it for long , did my research and finally decided on my weapon."

He took the phone out of his pocket and said towards it.




Opening weapon library...

Please write the name of the weapon you have chosen...]

A keyboard appeared on his screen and he carefully typed the name of the weapon he had chosen.


Weapon chosen...


Weapon has been moved to inventory..]

*Babum Babum*


Finally, I'm ready."