Power Up 2

"I've thought about this long enough and I've made up my mind."

Jack was looking intently at his phone where his status panel was shown. In his eyes was a burning desire to grow stronger.

'The way I have chosen to raise my stats may be not the most optimal one , but taking into consideration that my opponents right now are slimes I should focus on raising the stats that will help me kill them more efficiently and I have chosen them.

I am going to make Strength my primary stat for raising , meanwhile Intelligence and Constitution are going to be second. The other stats for now I am going to raise them by just one point except for Charisma. '

"Okay then, let's do this."

He calmed all his nerves and just distributed his stat points by tapping the plus sign next to them.


Raising stats....



"It hurts so much!"

As soon as he finished raising his stats a wave of foreign power infiltrated his body before wrecking havoc inside it. He felt pain all along his body and that was including his head that seemed like it was going to explode from the pressure. At first he tried to stay conscious, but a wave of sleepiness washed over him and he closed his eyes slowly before loosing conciousness.


He only managed to e get out one last word before darkness engulfed him.


*knock knock*

"Jack, honey are you there?"

*knock knock*



My head is killing me. Did someone hit me with a sledgehammer?"

*knock knock*

"Jack, are you okay?"


Grandma... I'm fine , but can you please stop knocking on the door? My head is killing me."

"So you were inside. When you didn't come for lunch I thought that you were just tiered, but now its night time and you still haven't come down. "

"Yeah, I'm sorry I missed.... lunch?

What, its night time?"

He turned his head towards the window and he saw the night sky filled with stars and a silvery half moon.

' The hell,I was out for so long!

When I raised my stats it was no more than 12 am and now its night? That means that I have passed out for more than seven hours?'

"Sorry grandma, I was playing some games and didn't notice the time."

"That's fine, but you haven't eaten lunch yet so at least come to eat dinner."

"Okay, will be down in five minutes. "

"Okay then, but don't be late because I made my special roasted chicken. It's so good that you won't get enough of it."


After Jack's grandmother left he let out a sigh of relief.


That was not a good situation. If they found me unconscious I would definitely have been sent to the hospital. Also, if they did a check up on my condition and discovered something off with my body then....

'I have restrained myself from looking for any information related to the app on the internet or anywhere else as I'm not sure if someone is actively looking for "gamers" like me.

One of the things I have learned is that if you search for or are interested about something in the internet then you are to be sure that somewhere that information is being stored to be used for whatever purpose the collector wants. If the app didn't lie than I was the 20002 person who became a gamer and even if more than half of the people who became "gamers" didn't pass the tutorial then 10000 of them were sure to be alive and they would have the same set of powers as me.

Like any normal person they would be trying to look for any explanation to their powers and where would they be looking for that information?

The web of course!

Also there being thousands of gamers until now then at least one of them would have f*caked up and would have been discovered, interrogated and then one of my most feared scenarios, experimented on.'


"Anyway, let's put these bad thoughts behind and enjoy the fruits of my labour. "

He looked at his right hand and clenched his fist feeling the overwhelming increase of power. He felt like he could crush a bowling ball with just a punch , but that was just his perception.

His head was hurting a little, but he could definitely notice that he could think more clearly.

"This is incredible...this surge of power, is kind of addicting. I just have I won't become some sort of battle maniac.



Jack Hunter



















Level 3

34/100 %

Stat Points



This is awesome! In just a few hours I have almost doubled my strength and if I continue like this then I don't know what will happen in a month or a year or even 10 years.I will become ridiculously strong.

F*ck superman!"

After he gave a thorough inspection to his status page he decided to see his game log.


Raising stats....

Stat increase is too high for body to handle....

Initiating sleep mode....]

In the log there was recorded the raise of his stats and also the answer for his question.

"So that's what happened. My body didn't manage to keep up the sudden huge increase of stats and I was forcibly put into a sleep mode so I wouldn't feel anything. Neat, but I dint think I'll rise my stats more than one point at a time anymore."

*scroll scroll*

He continued to scroll down and saw something interesting.

[Strength reached 10 points...

Gained stat based skill...

Skill "Jacked Up" gained....]

"Stat based skill, what's that?"

He was curious so he immediately opened his skill tab.


Beside his "shoot" skill and "run" skill there was one more never seen before skill.

He tapped twice on the skill and there appeared its description.

Jacked Up

Strength increased by 5 %