Easy Kills 2

*whoop whoop...

The kusari-fundo spun in Jacks hand with power and agility like never before. He was spinning the weapon without any problem making it look that he practiced using it hundreds of times.

*Whoop whoop*

Some time had passed since he had entered the dungeon and he was about to his next batch of slimes.

*Slush slush*

Slowly as he expected three slimes appeared in front of him , but he didn't seem worried at all.

"Let's see how long it will take me to kill there of you."

Jack as always waited for the first slime to get into range and attacked without mercy with all his strength.



The kusari-fundos weighted end hit the first slime heavily and stopped it on it's tracks , but the two other slimes continued forward like they didn't care that their kin at all.

"Next one..


He ignored the wounded slime and rushed for the next one in line and kicked it.




After kicking the second slime the third slime jumped at him.


The slime was supposed to latch on to the human in front of him, but was met with a powerful kick like his other companion.


*Tap tap tap*

"It's better than I thought. My speed and power have increased so I'm having an easy time overpowering the slimes but the most obvious thing is the ease in which I'm predicting their movements as they have no more than three types of them."

*Whoop whoop*


He had managed to take all three of the slimes all at once with ease and got behind them before unleashing his 'shoot' skill again .




He alternated between kicking and using his kusari-fundo and in 1 minute he killed them all.

After he killed them he looked at his gains and smiled like a mad man.

"Hehehe kuehehe...

If I do this all day then I'll gain levels easily."

*Tap tap tap*

He continued onwards with only one thought in mind and that was killing slimes.


*Chirp chirp*

Three days had passed since he had first raised his stats and during these three days he had only got stronger.

*Tap tap *

*Scroll scroll*

He was at his usual spot in the forest looking for something on his phone. He was smiling so widely as if he was using his parents credit card without telling them to by anything he saw.

"Should I buy a powerful skill will my Gold or should I buy ones that compliment my other skills and my fighting style?

It's hard to choose.

Choosing a magic skill will be good, but my stats make my Mana pool not that large, so should I choose something to compliment my strength?"

*Tap tap*

He continued to look about skills to by in his skills library.

Several of them caught his interest like 'Mana Bullet' , but he decided otherwise.


After an hour of thinking he decided.


My head hurts, but Im happy. The skills have finally been chosen."

*Tap tap *

He tapped twice on his phone and the magic happened.

[Skills bought...

Transferring to inventory...]


The inventory panel appeared in his phone and he saw its contents. To the top left there were the amount of gold he had left after buying his skills which was not much, only a measly 20 gold.

Then below it were the miscellaneous items , his manna shards, his kusari-fundo and lastly three books, skill books.

*Tap tap tap*

He tapped on the three new books that appeared in his inventory and as usual a black hole appeared in front of him.

"Finally, after all that grinding by killing hundreds of slimes the fruits of my work will show."

He reached inside the black hole and retrieved from it his new skill books.

"So this is a skill book ?"

At first glance they appeared just like normal hard cover books , but except for the name of the book on the front cover there was no other writing on the outside.

"What about the inside?"

*Flip flop*

He flipped the pages of one of the books and saw that something was written on it.

"What is this? Is this some type of language, a geometry exercise or an equation?

What are all these symbols?"

He opened the book with anticipation , but his face soon became sullen. In the books pages weren't any words he could understand but only illegible text intertwined with figures and numbers.

"Well, I guess it was worth a shot. I thought that if I would read the book i would learn the skill, but I guess there is another way."



"Here comes the explanation."

[Skill book available to learn..

Learn 'Punch'

'Yes' 'No'


"Of course I'll learn it."



As soon as he selected yes on the phone the book shined with a soft rainbow colour and that color shoot from the book to his forehead and disappeared.

After that light show the book on his hand crumbled into fine dust and disappeared.

"Hmm..I feel something, but I can't put my finger on it.


The skill tab appeared as usual and in it was the new skill he just learned.


When punching or using any fist techniques Strength +10% , Agility +10%