Good Loot and Terrible News


"I really love this sound, it doesn't get boring at all.

He ha...hia hiahia..


Jack excitedly opened his battle log to see what kind of goodies he had acquired by beating the Slime Boss , but after doing a weird dance and when he saw the log he was not disappointed.

[Slime Boss (Legion) defeated...

+300 Xp...

+50 Gold...

+1 Mana stone...

+1 Health potion (low)

+1 Mana potion (low)

Gained Title 'Slimes Bane'...

Acquired Skill Book 'Physicial Damage Reduction'...

Acquired Equipment 'Slimy Recovery'....

*Huff huff huff*


All that hard work and time was not wasted. The rewards for killing the Slime Boss really are amazing.

I gained a title, a skill book,two potions and I also gained an equipment, but there is more."


For managing to kill a Boss monster in less than 10 days after you were initiated you gained...

+500 Xp...

+200 Gold...

Acquired title 'Boss Killer'

Acquired title 'Unrelenting' ....]

Jack couldn't handle it anymore. The rewards were so good that he almost started foaming from his mouth.

"Okay, this is a lot to handle right now. I feel like I'm going to pass out from the rapid breathing and also going to ejaculate/shit my pants at the same time from the excitement.These rewards are unreal!

I better carefully check them out at the house."



*Tak Tak*

Jack pushed the front door of the house and entered inside.

"Nana, I'm home!"

No one answered him so he called again , but this time he raised his voice a little.

"Nana,nana are you in here?"

Jack called a couple of times but no one answered him so he e continued to check all around the house for his grandmother , but found no one.

"Strange, this not like nana to go out without leaving a note and even if she forgot she definitely would close the door and not leave it open.

Maybe she is in the bathroom?

Whatever, I'll just take a cold soda for now and...


'Why am I getting a strange feeling? Did I forget something?

Something's not right, I can feel it ! '

He tried to figure out if he forgot anything, but he was sure he didn't.

'Did I forget my wallet? No I didn't take it with me when I entered the dungeon.

Did I forget to flush the toilet? No I'm sure I flushed it...or maybe I didn't.

Why do I have this feeling of restlessness gnawing at me? It's driving me nuts.'

He walked back and forth in the kitchen and sometimes stoped to think about something before continuing again.

' Where could she have gone?

If she went out she would have left a note on the fridge door , but there isn't one.

What is it...

What is it..

"What the f*ck did I forge...


He rushed to the bathroom door in a frenzy and knocked on the door.

*Knock knock*

He tried to open it but the door was closed .

'Why is the door closed? '

"Grandma, grandma are you there?

Grandma if you're inside please answer me!"

He shouted and shoute, but no answer came , only a couple of grunts.

'Has something happened to her?'


I have no choice."

At this time Jack wasn't really thinking or was it that he was just thinking about the worst case scenario?

What if she had slipped and hit her head?

What if she had a stroke?

What if she had a heart attack?

These thoughts were like a swarm of angry bees that stung his brain like needles until he couldn't handle it anymore.


He kicked the bathroom door with all his strength and the door broke with ease not handling his immense strength.


Don't look, don't look."


Jack's maddening rush was instantly halted by a girly voice.

Instead of find his grandma on the floor or in any kind of distress what he found was a young about 16 years old girl on the toilet with her underwear to her ankles taking a shit. She even was playing on her phone.

"Who the hell are you? "

He shouted at the short haired girl occupying his bathroom.

"Please *hick* , please don't hurt me. *Hick hick* I don't have much money on me ,but you can take all of it *hick*.

Please don't take my phone...

Jack was angry at first, but after he heard the girls last sentence he went apeshit.

"Your phone, your phone?


I'm asking you what the hell are you doing taking a shit at my grandparents house."

*Pfffffttt *

"Did...did you just...


Jack had had it. He finally decided to accept the reality that he had gone crazy as there was no other explanation his overwhelmed brain could create.

' I'm right aren't I? Yes, it's definitely it.'

The unmistakable sound of a fart and the smell of shit and piss filled the bathroom. Usually it would not be a problem because that's what bathrooms were for, but in this situation?!

It was awkward as f*ck.

"Waaa *hick *hick*..

'What is this situation? It's like a fucking comedy movie scene.'

The sound of the girl crying was loud and it was getting to Jack's nerves and seeing as this was going nowhere Jack decided to take control of the situation.

"Shut up!

I don't know who you are and what you are doing here, but I'm going to give you two minutes to clean up and come out to have a 'talk'.

Don't stall for time or try to escape because I'm just outside the door."

'*Hick hick*

Okay*Hick*but can you get me some toilet paper? The one here is over.'


After five minutes Jack and the girl were sitting at the kitchen table.She had her he'd down looking to her feet while Jack was starting at a distance with unfocused eyes deep in thought.

'Why is this happening? Grandpa has been attacked by a bear? Is this a joke?

A f*cking bear!'

Jack couldn't believe what he learned. His grandfather while fishing with his buddies had been attacked by a black bear.

"Hey, hey, can I go now!"

"Huh.. okay...

The voice of his cousin woke him up from his stupor making him answer without thinking.

"No, not yet. You have to take me there. I need to see grandpa , now!"

"I can't even if I wanted to. The hospital is more than 20 miles away and we don't have a car."

"Fine! You stay here to look after the house and just tell me how to get there."

"Didn't you hear me? We don't have a car.

Are you deaf?"

"Why...why are you staring at me like that? If..if you..

" Give me the god damn directions!"

"Fine! It's

You first have to...