Fight 1

After finally raising his stats he gained two new stat based skills as he expected.


Able to use both hands with 100% efficiency.

Blood Bag

Max HP +10%,HP regeneration +5%

"So these are the two new stat based skills? Nice!

The both of them are quite good for me as 'Blood Bag' raises my survivability rate , but the cherry on top is 'Ambidextrous'."

He looked at the new skills description smiling from ear to ear as he thought of the possibilities of this new skill and what the skill entailed for him. The thought of improving his power without having to increase his stats had been brewing in his mind for some time.

' Relying on only stats for killing monsters is not a good idea on the long run. For now I have only fought slimes so I still don't know how capable I am against an intelligent opponent, but taking into consideration that the only real fight I have been in is in seventh grade my fighting experience is shit.

I could Increase my power by gaining battle experience through constantly fighting different opponents, increase my repertoire of skills or focus on long ranged skills that put me far awa from my opponent , but the last and most productive idea is to create a Combo.

It's to early to think about it seriously, but later it will be my priority.'

After doing all that he decided to familiarize himself with the new power of his body and also with the new weapon he had just bought.


*Whoop whoop...

Jack was at his usual training spot and he was spinning the new kusari-fundo with all his strength. His whole body was tense while he was practicing his kusari-fundo on the tree's nearby and he even didn't attack after a long time.

"I think I'm getting the hang of it, but I still need time to use it to use it's full potential. The increased weight has made the chains initial spinning motion to be more slow, but in contrast the power is in a different scale."


Jack finally released his attack and the result devastating. In the tree bark a dent almost 2 cm deep and 10 cm wide had appeared at the point of impact.

"That was very surprising!

The power of the attack with the new kusari-fundo is as strong or more stronger than when I attacked by using 'Shoot' and 'Physicial Enhancement' with the old one.

The weapons weight really makes the difference, but the stat boost is also the cause."

'With my current stats as they are without using any skills I have already achieved the level of a superhuman, albeit far from the power of some comick superheroes . My strength right now would surpass the strongest normal human and my other stats beside Charisma would put me in the top 0.0001% in the world. Right now I have started to become something more than human.

Now even if I'm facing the strongest MMA fighter, Navy Seal or any other person who is highly trained in unarmed combat I'm sure that 9/10 times I would win. Although they may have reached the pinicale of their techniques and their battle experience may be vast the difference in stats is so huge that it doesn't really matter that much.

Even the most higly trained kid would lose against an adult.'

After training some more with the new kusari-fundo to try to get the hang of it so he wouldn't hit himself instead of the enemy he decided to go back home , take a long cold shower and go to sleep .

' Ill find that bear and when I do...

He wasn't able to finish his thoughts as he went imediately to sleep. The experiences he had today had taken a physical and mental toll on him.


*Knock knock*

"Hey, are you up yet?

Hey, hey...


Jack woke up with a headache.

'Im so f*cking sleepy and hungry and my head hurts.

"Hey, wake up,wake up , wake up...

"I'm awake, so stop your god damn yelling!"

Jack got up halfway from the bed and yelled back at his cousin.

"Good you woke up.

I thought that you would have sneaked out as you didn't answer."

"What time is it now?"

"It's seven in the morning."


"Anyway I'm leaving now as I have my own stuff to do and because your grandma is coming any minute now."


As soon as he heard about his grandmother coming back home he was worried so he imediately got up as he was in his underwear and opened the door .

"Why is she coming here so early? Did something happen?"

"Ugh,why are you talking to me on your underwear? Put some clothes on ."

"Doesn't matter, you're my cousin."

"I'm not sure about anything , but I overheard that your grandfather had improved a lot and is now out of the danger.

This may be just a optimistic new as ...

As soon as Jack heard that his grandfather was better he had only one thought in his mind.

' The ring has worked.'