Fight 4


Jack came out of the dungeon , looked at his rewards for killing the boss and discovered that except the usual drops it had dropped another skill book.

" 'Liquid Body Arrow' , what's that? Is it a kind of archery skill?


He was perplexed by the name of the skill and opened his inventory to see what it was.

Liquid Body Arrow

Infuse Mana into a liquid or semiliquid part of your body and release it on the form of an arrow .

"What does this mean? Create a long range attack in the form of an arrow from my body liquid? Does it require sweat, urine or does it require something else, something more..

He continued thinking about the skill will a silly grin on his face.

' This definitely has to be a powered down version the Boos used to attacked at me long range. Does that mean that I'll be releasing the attack from my body like the slime?'

"Anyway I'll just learn it first and look into it later."

He took the book out of the inventory and saw its cover. In blue cover book was drawn a red arrowhead pointing up.

[Do you want to learn skill 'Liquid Body Arrow'

'Yes' 'No' ]


A prompt apeared asking if he wanted to learn the skill and he selected yes without hesitation . As soon as he did that complicated information entered his head as numerous concepts on how to move, shape and mix the Mana with his blood were imprinted in his brain.

"I get it now. So that's what it was ."

He opponed his eyes and in them shinned a knowing light.

"So the skill used my blood as the arrow. "

He finally understood. Unlike the slime whose body was completely a semiliquid which it could be used as ammo at any time, the human body which consisted of flesh, bones, organs and some other things could only use blood as the best catalyst for spell.


As happy as Jack was to gain a long range skill he was not stupid.

"This is skill is very troublesome to use as I can't just go shooting arrows of blood to kill my opponents as by hurting them I'll be hurting myself. It seems the skills usability is very restricted, but I'm curious about it's power."

Jack made a small cut on his finger to draw a little blood and activated the skill.

" SHI XA...

As soon as he said those words the Mana inside his body moved in a certain pattern and converged on the cut fingertip , drawing the blood out of the finger and formed a 3 cm long ,2 cm wide arrowhead. Jack waited a second to get a feeling for the skill before he launched at a nearby tree.


The attack hit the tree and Jack approached to see the result.

"Huh, that was more powerful than I thought!"

Jack was a little surprised at the power of the skill, but just a little. The attack had created a 1 cm deep and 0,5 cm wide hole on the surface of the tree.

"Let's try this again.



Jack released a couple of more blood arrows before he started to feel a little dizzy and opened his log to see the situation.

' As expected. This skill is a double edged sword. '

[You have been afflicted with the debuff 'Anemia'

Strength -10%

Constitution -20%

Agility -10% ]

He waited for an hour until the debuff wore off and prepared himself.

" I'll have to make some tests with it later as right now I have work to do."

He once again stepped into the cave and the notification on the phone rang again.


[Enter dungeon ' Forest of Death'

'Yes' 'No' ]


This time he selected yes and closed his eyes waiting for the usual flash of light.


Huh, what's going on?"

More than ten seconds had passed after he selected yes, but the awaited flash of light never happened so he opened one of his eyes to see around.

"I haven't moved yet! "

In front of him wasn't anything new like when he entered the 'Slimy Tunnel' but the same rock surface of the cave like before.

"I'm sure I select...


' What is this cold feeling? It's like I walked into a refrigerator.'


'Figures! If I want to know something I'll just have to see the log.'

[ Initiating.....

Entered dungeon ' Forest of Death '....

Due to the aura of death enveloping the dungeon all stats -10%.... ]

"Wha... what?!"

He opponed his eyes wide at the debuff he just experienced. The stat boost that he gained from his unrelenting title had almost become useless.

" Wait!

I'm already inside the dungeon? Then that means...

He turned around and saw something erie. front of him appeared the same forest he was previously , but the sky instead of being a blue color with a yellow sun , it was instead a grey color with and ominous half bloody moon hanging silently.


The forest was deathly quiet and the trees were black annd cracked like charcoal. They didn't seemed to have any sort of vitality and only seemed a decoration to enhance the deathly aura of the place.

No sound was heard as their dried out branches cast of shadows that seemed to form monstrous shadows.

"I had expected something similar to this place if the dungeon was called the ' Forest of Death ' , but this is a little excessive."

Although Jack had fought against slimes more than twenty times and had had also felt the fear of death, this environment brought out a feeling of constant dread that clinged to his spine.

"Should I turn back for now and come back when I get more stronger.

No, I've come this far so at least I'll explore the dungeon a bit."

Although Jack's nerves were on edge he still moved forward , but no didn't take out his kusari-fundo.

' As soon as I see something remotely dangerous to me I'll just run back to the entrance and leave the dungeon.'

He steeled himself and continued advancing forward casting every step with caution.


A lone human figure was seen moving slowly inside a deathly looking forest.

He looked cautious moving slowly forward taking small steps. His figure clad in mail reflected of the bloody light cast by the dreadful half moon and deer to be drenched in blood.


A sound was heard.

The sound of a creaking branch in the deathly silent be forest was deafening for the man and he imediately looked upwards.



Jack had moved forward forore than 50 meters and still hadn't seen any enemies.

' Are the enemies rare here? Should I hasten my pace?

No , I'll take things slow and steady. Remember that this is not a video game and you could die here.'



He was startled by the creaking of a something from above and imediately looked upwards.

"The f*ck!"


Up on one of the dead trees there was a hunched over monster.

The monster looked like a human that had starved to death with it's grey skin draped over it's bones like a tight shirt.

It's hairless body ,shining yellow eyes that bulged outwards which pierced Jack's soul and it's mouth with no lips that showed it's decaying yellow sharp teeth portrayed what death looked like.
