

The monster stared at Jack while making terrifying sounds with it's throat.

' What the f*ck is that thing!?'

Jack was startled by the monsters grotesque apperance that looked like gollums ugly cousin and just as he was about to move backwards it jumped towards him.



The monster jumped from the tree,collided with Jack and both of them went down on the ground.

' What the f*ck is going on? '

Jack was confused. The sudden attack from the creature and the fall had shocked him very much. The creatures strength has surprised him.

He had thought that he was decently strong as he was killing slimes like a boss , but this new opponent completely shattered his confidence with only one attack.


As soon as they hit the ground the monster gave a shrill screen and started clawing and biting at Jack.

"Aaaaaa, f*ck f*ck...

The monster was above him so he couldn't get up and couldn't evade its attacks so Jack in his panick did the only thing he could do and raised both his arms upwards right In time to defend from the creatures attacks.


' Shit shit shit...

The monster had bit down hard on his left arm. It's yellow rotten teeth were clearly seen and it's breath that smelled like death whaffted towards Jack now making him want to throw up. The creature was ferocious and moved it's head from side to side seeming to want to rip his flesh off.


Get the f*ck off me !"


Jack managed to land a punch on the monsters face , but it was to weak as he couldn't generate enough force in that position.

"Grrrr grrrrr...

The monster didn't seem to feel anything at all as it ferociously bit down on the mail protected arm of Jack. It's shining ferocious yellow eyes piercing Jack's soul with fear.

"I said get of...

The monster was unrelenting , , , but Jack also wouldn't let himself to become this monsters meal as he continued to punch the monster in the head repeatedly.

Punch,bite,punch, bite. This stalemate continued for a little while until Jack finally came to his senses and remembered his skills.

'Physicial Enhancement'



With his newfound strength from Physicial Enhancement he delivered a powerful punch to the creatures head and this time it clearly felt it.

'Its bite has loosened!'

Jack attacks had begun to have effect.

*Bam bam*

What followed was a relentless flurry of punches from Jack. He managed to deliver more than 20 of them making the creatures face more hideous than it already was and spilling it's dirty grey blood before.


He finally managed to make it release it's bite.

"Finally I'm free.....

And you're dead!"

With the anger that had built up inside him he delivered one last punch before he managed to get free from the creatures hold and get up.


As soon as he got up he took one step forward and delivered a devastating kick to the creatures head .



He didn't let the creature recover and just stomped it's head in with all his strength , crushing it's skull and making it one with the ground.


The sound of the notification rang , confirming the end of the fight as the creatures body dissolved into a black goo.

"Hah hah hah....

Shit, what the hell was that thing? It almost killed me."

Jack looked at his left arm where the creature had bit him and saw that in the mail he was wearing there were distinctive teeth marks. What he saw brought a tremble to his whole body, from his feet to the top of his head. Jack didn't know what was causing this , but he knew it was not normal.


He took a deep breath with this teeth clenched hard and also made his hand into a tight fist before punching himself in the face, hard.


"Calm the f*ck down! Calm down.

Hah hah...

After he punched himself he seemed to regain his composure once again.

' What kind of bite strength is needed to leave such distinct teeth marks on a steel mail!?

If I was not wearing the mail and only had regular clothes, I'm sure I would have lost a chunk of my forearm.


*Babum Babum*

As he just finished the fight with the creature he heard that dreadful sound once again.



Jack didn't even turn around to see if it was another monster like the one he had just fought and just started running for his life towards the cave he came from.

"Hah hah hah....

Jack ran and ran with all his strength , but the creature that had set his sights uppon him didn't seem to give up and by the sound of it also had brought company.



"Why are you f*cking chasing me like I f*cked your sister?"

As Jack ran for his life in the Forest of Death as he shouted a little joke to help him keep his wits in this situation. It was like a coping mechanism for him so he often joked when he was under stress.


After running for one minute straight he finally managed to arrive at the shallow cave and the prompt appeared on his phone once again .

[Leave dungeon ' Forest of Death '

'Yes' 'No']


He didn't hesitate to select yes , but in that moment before leaving the dungeon he turned his head back and saw more than five of those things 20 meters away.


"I'm... back....

He was back into the real world and the bright sunny day confirmed that. He slowly opponed his arms wide as if about to hug some , but he was just enjoying the sun's warm rays.

"I didn't know that I would be so happy to see something I see everyday. "

The sun not only warmed his body but also his soul. That managed to calm him down enough to think again.

"Now let's see what the hell that thing was ?"

He imediately opened his battle log.

[Encountered enemy 'Wendigo'...


You defeated the enemy 'Wendigo'....


+45 XP

+15 Gold

Gained item ' Dead Man Walking '...]