The Right Path 3

Right as he consolidated his idea of how to become stronger without using any attribute points he went to the 'Shop' and imediately bought the 'Meditation' skill.

"So this is the meditation skill book? It's so flashy that it's hurting my eyes.

Why the hell is it like this?"

The 'Meditation' skill book he had just bought was now in his had ready to be learned , but it's unusual apperance made Jack stop for a moment. Compared to the two other skill books he had learned which had a cover with one or two colors tops, this one had all the bells and whistles.

The book cover reflected light like a mirror as multiple combinations of colours were seen in it. In the middle of the cover there was a white human silhouette in a meditating position and the various colors seemed to be attracted to him.

"Well , whatever! "

Hey selected 'yes' on the prompt to learn it and immediately various information on how to breathe properly and how to open the mind so you could speed up the recovery speed of Mana were engraved on his brain.

"Now let's see...


Increase the recovery speed of Mana by 5%.

After he bought the 'Meditation' skill he now had another skill in his repertoire , but his hard earned Gold was almost gone.

"My hard earned money, gone in an instant, but I hope it was worth it at least."

He gathered his thoughts and laid down on his bead activating the skill for the first time. He closed his eyes and started to breathe in some kind repetitive pattern. On the outside it looked like he was just sleeping , but in reality he had already started to meditate.

After he closed his eyes he saw nothing but black at first, but his other senses like hearing and touch seemed to be more pronounced. In his room it was quiet to begin with. Only the ticking of the clock coupled with his own heartbeat were the only two things beeing heard.

'Is this it? Am I meditating right now?

I thought it would be something more magical than this.'

He didn't feel anything out of the ordinary at first, but after about a minute he started to get sleepy and his thoughts started to flow unhindered. I was like he had given up control of his thoughts and they flowed unhindered .


After spending some time laying there Jack woke up with a start.

"Huh, what happened!?"

Jack opened his eyes wide an looked around like he had just seen a nightmare , but he was calm and only a little disoriented.

"Did I go to sleep?"

He was confused.

He was still laying in his bed and to him it seemed to just have passed no more then two or three minutes, but when he turned his head around the clock on the wall showed that 20 minutes had passed.

" Twenty minutes have passed? What is going on?"

Jack couldn't find an answer as he didn't feel anything wrong with himself, but he couldn't remember what had happened in the past 20 minutes.

" Does this mean that the skill worked? If so why don't I remember anything?

I need to do some more experiments."

In the next two hours he used his 'Physical Enhancement' skill constantly to drain his Mana to almost 0 and then used the 'Meditation' skill to raise his mana recovery speed.


So the skill really raised my mana recovery speed and it also seems to relieve some of my mental fatigue.

Two bird's with one stone."

' This small increase in mana recovery speed doesn't justify it's high price of the skill at all. Also it seems that I need to be still when I use it and the worst drawback is that my sense are cut of.

If I used the 5000 Gold to by an enchanted equipment , maybe even two or three skills it would have been more beneficial to me that this.

No this can't be all that the skill has to offer. I'm sure that this is not the skills full extent. '

After he was with done with the testin of the skill he moved towards the second stage.

"Now then, should I test my theory out.


He opponed his inventory with anticipation and brought out one of the first things he gained from killing a slime.

"The Mana shard!

I have always wondered what's it's usage could be beside using it as a power source for some of the magical arrays in the store.

Guess I'll be finding out today."

Jack looked at the blue shining shard of what looked like a type of mineral and brought it close to his face for a close look.

' I hope you won't disappoint. '

He once again emptied his mana pool and activated his 'Meditation' , but this time he tightly held the Mana shard on his hand.


The feeling of thoughtlessness engulfed Jack again as he activated the skill, but immediately he noticed something.

'This feeling....

As he was recovering his Mana with 'Meditation' his right hand that was holding the Mana shard started to become warm and that warmth traveled from his hand to his arm, up his shoulder and into his head.


The warm feeling on his head made him remember the feeling of a mildly hot spring day. He was laying on his bed with his window open and a slight breeze just enough to give him a feeling of relaxation got in. The breeze didn't stop as Jack....


The sound of the phone woke him up in time.

"Ah, that's a shame. I was really enjoying the feeling."

He opponed the app and saw the log. Something amazing had happened.


'Meditation' skill in effect....

External Mana source detected....

'Meditation' skills effect is raised x 100....]


'Meditation' skills effect raised by 100 times? That means that...

Jack did some quick calculations with his mind and the answer left him stunned. He couldn't believe what was the answer.

"If the skills effect is raised by 100 times then that means that my mana recovery speed when 'Meditation' is activated is increased by 500%.

Am I dreaming? Please don't be a dream!"

Jack couldn't believe himself and did the calculation a couple of more times with pen and paper , but it still brought the same result. The facts were there , but Jack still didn't believe it.

He opponed his inventory, took out his functioning phone and opened his calculator.

" 100x5=500 "



"Now that I think back to it I really went bonkers for a little, but would you blame me?"

He opened his skills tab and looked at the 'Meditation' skill after he had used it without stop for more than a week and tried to contain his smile , but as much as he tried to, he couldn't.

Meditation Lv 4


Increase the recovery speed of Mana by 25%.

+4 Inteligence

"The increase of Inteligence of one every level is also good."

He continued to glee over his 'Meditation' but his eyes couldn't help but glance over his other skills.

Physicial Damage Reduction Lv 3 (Passive)

By the use of Mana reduce the afflicted physicial damage by 8%.

Chain Mastery Lv 4 (Passive)

When using chains or chained weapons +18% Agility, +13% Strength.


Lv 4 (Passive)

When kicking or using any leg techniques Strength + 14% , Agility + 14%

Punch Lv 5


When punching or using any fist techniques Strength +15% , Agility +15%

Physicial Enhancement Lv 5


When circulating Mana through the body +25% Strength , +15% Agility