Haunting Screams 1


In a dark road blanketed by shadows a screech was heard in the distance . The dark dirt road was surrounded on both sides by three meter tall trees which surprisingly were all perfectly the same distance from each other like a row of well trained soldiers standing attention.

The trees that were definitely planted by someone were all the same. They had a wide trunk , short crowns that were filled with small yellow leaves all over, but something looked of about them. If you looked closely they seemed to have no vitality , as if the were made out of plastic.


A white flash of light was suddenly seen bringing some light to this god forsaken place, but it only lasted less than a second before it plunged everything into its usual darkness again.

" This may be a problem.

It seems that I really need to buy an item that improves my vision in the dark or maybe even buy the light orb spell."

Out of the flash of light out came Jack, terminator style . He raised his head to look around him , but his vision was not yet accustomed to the darkness. Even while squinting his eyes he could only make the figures of several trees several meters away that surrounded him . Another thing that he noticed was that he was not in a mansion, but on a long dirt road that he couldn't see the end off.

He waited in that position for a little while until his vision was somewhat restored.


"Well then ,let's get started."

After waiting to regain his full sight he got up and retrieved his kusari-fundo out of his inventory, but that was not the only thing he retrieved. Beside his kusari-fundo he also took a helmet that looked like the one spartan's wore on the 300 movie, but it was more rounded and sleek. The helmet also covered more of the face leaving only little space for the eyes,nose and mouth.

"I thought I wouldn't need this, but it doesn't hurt to be careful."

With his weapon now in his hand and his new helmet he steeled himself and calmed his nerves.

"I really didn't want to choose a similar type of dungeon like the 'Forest of Death' , but I have to do it. I can't back down so easily from just having failed once.

I have to move forward!"

Jack tried to comfort himself from the shameful retreat he had experienced , but the hanging rope of death was still near. The monstrous yellow eyes of the wendigo would never be forgotten by him.

"I seems that I really have chosen the lesser of two evils by chosing this dungeon instead of 'Dirty Sewers'."

Jack had thought really hard which dungeon to choose and after some research he decided that this one was the better of them.

'Going by the description of 'Dirty Sewers' I will have to fight in a dark, damp, smelly disgusting place and the worst of all a sewer would be too restraining.

I definitely wouldn't be able to use my kusari-fundo effectively inside it.'

After that Jack moved his attention from the surrounding erie trees and looked up at the sky. What he saw was only a blanket of darkness and in the middle of it was the round silvery moon shining it's meagre silver light downwords.


'Note to self.

After I complete this dungeon I'll really need to have some relaxing time for myself or I'll really break down mentally.'

Although Jack looked okay on the outside, on the inside he was worn out. The constant training he did in the last week had been mentally taxing on him. The repetitive training he did to train his skills had been fun on the beginning, but only after three days he had started to get sick of it. The repetitive actions had made him feel like a robot.

'If I didn't have a way to keep track of my growth and didn't feel my strength growing so rapidly I really would have given up in frustration.

F*ck you Han Je Han , you lucky bastard!'

After expressing his jealously for the umpteenth time towards the 'The Gamer' manhwas protagonist for having the 'Gamers Mind' that really OP skill he decided to move on.

"Moving on!

For now it's better to not rush as I did with the 'Forest of Death' and scout slowly the surrounding area first.

So let's begin with the creepy trees first."

He saw the surroundings carefully before he headed towards one of the trees that looked exactly like each the other around it and touched it's bark.

*Tak Tak..

He also knocked on it just for fun , but he imediately noticed that something was not right.


*Tak tak tak*

"It's not the same as the trees on the real world! They seem to be... hollow?

If so, let's confirm it."

He lifted his right foot before he kicked the tree lightly.


"Shit, what the f*ck."

As soon as Jack's foot made contact with the tree, the bark broke easily and Jack's leg entered a hollow space.


He was scared and imediately retreated backwards, while still keeping an eye on the tree. In the place where the whole that Jack created , there was nothing. Nothing was not the correct word to describe it as the was no hollow space but only darkness. Normally you would be able to see even a little inside, but the hole from the place Jack was standing looked like someone had just drawn a black circle on a 3d drawing.

' That's not normal at all. The tree had no inside almost like a prop for a movie or....


Jack halted his thoughts and once again looked around him and he realized something that should have been obvious.

"I was distracted by the creepy aura of the place and didn't notice something so obvious.

I'm so stupid!

Beside the trees there is no other plants, not even a single strand of grass, also..

He looked up for the second time and smiled.

"There are no stars either. If this was Earth and I was in a forest I would have definitely been able to see at least a star , but the sky is bare except for the moon.

This is clear proof that this is not a real alternate world I am sent to when I disappear from the real world , but only a simulation of an environment.


As he finished his conjecture with a smile the whole he had created on the tree not long ago had completely closed leaving no trace behind. The tree before him was as good as new.