Haunting Screams 11

An old rusty axe that looked like it was used for chopping wood came flying from behind and hit Jack's head from the back.



A loud sound was heard followed up by a pained roar .The sound of the axe hitting Jack's helmet rang all around the mansion, but it was nothing compared to the angry roar of the one welding the axe.

" It hurts doesn't it?

Don't worry, I'll soon make you forget about that pain."

Jack's calm voice was heard clearly. He didn't sound like he was in the middle of fighting, but seemed like he was scolding a little child for doing something he specifically said not to do.


Behind Jack the mad attacker was holding his right hand roaring in pain as dirty red blood flowed from it. The axe he had in his hand was no more as only a part of its wooden handle was left in hand after after the head broke.

"Kiii...ll yaaaaaaaa....



The monster seemed angry about it's axe breaking and raised its bloodied hand up in the air and seemed to want to hit Jack again. It's huge fist was like a hammer and Jack's head was the nail.

'You think I'll let you do that!'

In the timespan of 3 seconds between the first attack and now something very small but very important had happened . In these few moments if one looked closely he could noticed that Jack's body had moved ever so slightly.

His left leg was pointing out more and his left palm that was holding the chain was facing backwards, but the most important thing was that Jack had managed to turn his head back enough to see the monster who attacked him.

What Jack saw was a mountain of muscle that towered over his. The monster was a human more than 2 m tall wilth bulging muscles all over it's body. It was so muscular that it could go toe to toe with the biggest bodybuilders that ever lived.

The monster wore nothing in it's super body while in his lower body it had only a pair of worn down black pants. He had grey skin with red veins flowing through , a twisted face like he was punched repeatedly since he was a child and a mouth filled with rotten teeth, but that most eye caching thing we're his red eyes.

'Youre one ugly motherf*cker!'

"Kill y.....



The monster flew backwards.

As the hammer like fist of the monster was about to hit Jack the muscle monster flew 1m backwards and fell to the ground hard shaking the ground. A blood arrow had flown from Jack's left palm and hit the hulking mass of muscle in the chest. That is why it now was holding it's chest which had a big hole 4 cm deep in it.

"You really are getting on my nerves! B*tch....

Jack was really pissed . His jaw was clenching so hard that you could hear his teeth cracking, his body trembled from the strain, and his eyes that had no taken a blue hue radiated killing intent.



Two more blood arrows, one after the other hit the muscle monster. One of them hit him in the throat and the other in the head taking a huge chunk of its HP.

This heavily damaged the monster. Jack's 'Liquid Body Arrow' which was at the moment at Lv 10 was not something the monster could handle. The power of the skill was now able to pierce a 1cm thick steel plate


Jack said his goodbye as he readied another shot which was going to end the monsters life , but he wouldn't be left to do as he pleased. The muscle monster may be down but he was not alone.

"Kiii aaaa....


It hurts.....ggggggg...gggf...gggg..

The mumyfied head opened it's mouth and released a scream , but that was just the beginning.From it's mouth that seemed like a black hole that absorbed light, three apparitions came out. The apparitions that looked like dark clouds with the screaming face of a human flew at incredible speed towards Jack and instead of hitting him they passed right through his body.

The next second he suddenly fell to his knees.


"Ughh..... shit! I hate this dungeon."

Jack didn't seem to be hurt from the attack as nothing hit his body, but his half closed bloodshot eyes told otherwise.

' I'm so stupid. I was too greedy fo....


"Roaaaar....killll yuuuu....

Jack's boody rose to in the air and skid forward 5 m to where the heddles butler was. He was not moving as even moving a multimeter hurt so much.

' I'm going to die...


"Hui hui hui hui....


The two monsters had now surrounded his body. The muscle monster raised his leg to stomp Jack's head in while the headless butler held the head which was now laughing at him.

"Heh..hehe...hehehaha *cough**cough*....

"Hui hui?"

The head was surprised that Jack was laughing while in this situation. Also why wasn't his face full of terror like before? His shriveled brain didn't understand at first, but he soon made the connection.

At that moment the head knew he f*cked up .


'Cross Judgement'."

