Origin 4

' No no no...

I was so close, so close. Everything was going according to plan , so why?'

Jack was now immobile and unprotected, but most importantly he had lost his will to figt. He was just ripe for killing and his enemy didn't miss a beat.


Unknowingly the woman had left the second floor of the mansion in an instant and was now in front of the kneeling Jack staring at him with her soul piercing bloodshot eyes. Compared to a moment ago her figure was now more more bulky with rolling black mist surrounding her. Her long black hair were dancing like they had a ming of their own and now her nails had grown to about 5 cm.

Besides all that the cherry on to was that the wound that he had just caused had vanished, she had completely recovered.


The woman imediately launched an attack , clawing at Jack face from below.


The attack was strong enough to knock the helmet out of his head and throw him on his back.


"Aaaaaaaaaaa....it hurts....nggfff....ffff....

Jack struggled in pain while writhing on the floor like a worm. He was screaming will all that he could as it hurt like hell and that was even though he had taken some painkillers not long ago, so you could imagine the pain the wound was causing him.

"Aaaaaa.... nggfff.....

He was holding the right side of his face where four deep vertical wound's were. The woman's nails had completely destroyed the left side of his face


'Am I gonna die, here, like this? Am I going to die, because of my own arrogance?

No....I want to live.'

*Krrk krrk*

Jack feebly tried to get out of there by crawling on the ground, but it was futile. He was in no condition to escape from the woman.


Worm go wiggle...





Hehehe... hahahaha...

The woman seemed to take pleasure in Jack's pain as she laughed more and more.

"Hah hah...

Jack's HP was low and he was out of ideas. He also didn't have his kusari-fundo in his hands anymore and didn't know where it was since he woke up from the ground .

'It seems that this is it. I just hope that...

"Damnit, ugg....

The woman looked at the crawling Jack with boiling anger and wanted to kill him, but it didn't. It seemed to enjoy more watching him struggle for his life.



The woman stretched her hand towards the crawling Jack and Jack started to slowly but surely levitate. Jack saw this, but didn't make any move to escape or retaliate as she then flipped him over and brought him before her.

'So this is it huh?'

Jack tried to raise his head to see his opponent, but everything was blurry and red. Sweat ,blood and dirt obstructed his eyes, the one he had left anyways. The other eye was completely destroyed beeing clawed out by the woman.

"Guh...I would say....nice to see you, but you seem to have taken one of my eyes."


"Thank, guhh very...much.


The woman then proceeded to tighten her hold on Jack putting great pressure on him.

' I'm truly finnished.

I have expanded all my moves. I have used up my one second of invicibility that my title'Rocky'gave me and I have used the skill ' Cross Judgement ' that the silver cross gave me. My HP and MP are so low that I can't even cast a blood arrow anymore....but why is it that I'm still so loose?'

Although the pressure that the woman's technique was using on him was big it was not enough to completely restrict him.

' Is this another game of hers?'

Jack tried to look at the woman and saw that she had opened her mouth reveling a rows of numerous triangular black teeth. She brought Jack closer and closer until he was 5 cm away from her.

' Time Dilation'

Jack activated time dilation one more time so he could think of something fast.

'No, why would she risk getting attacked again? She definitely is looking to kill me.'


She opened her mouth wide and moved forward.

' She seems to want to eat at me....so.....if I just...


Jack could now feel her cold breath on his face and as if in a last desperate attempt started to beg for his life.

"No, please don't...

Please I beg, please don't kill me. I'm don't even taste that good I promise .

No no no...


"No... please...

The woman seemed to enjoy Jack begging for his life and stopped. She was now just 2 cm from Jack.

"You know I know that this may be the end, but no tongue on the first date."


Jack couldn't move his body, but that was not the same for his neck and head so he did what he could and headbutted her. The attack was not that strong , but it still managed to make her loose grip of Jack.


He immediately fell on his feet and attacked again, this time he delivered a right punch straight at her face. The punch was strong enough to throw her 2m away, but as Jack was about to follow up she screamed.


Black gas gathered to her face and the sound of water meeting hot oil was heard.

' What just happened? Why is she screaming?

No it doesn't matter, I have to attack.'



Jack crossed the 2 m distance between them in less than a second and kicked the woman in the waist, bringing in her to the ground. After that he just got on top of her and unleashed upon her face punch after punch.

"You b*itch..




Do you...






"Hah hah hah....


Jack raised his head and gave a shout.
