Chapter [13]

I was texting Sue while writing my blog, "Hey, have you seen my journal?" I noticed Zarda come in, glancing around until she noticed me stopping to message Sue back. "Who are you talking too?" She checked through the piles of paper on my desk, "Is it that girl from the hospital? What's her name, Sara?" Zarda said, "It's Sue, and yes, I'm texting her." I shrugged as she rummaged through my stuff, "It's the morning; why are you even texting someone?" She asked, a bit annoyed. "Because I can? Plus, I enjoy talking to her." I smiled.

"Alright, fine. Just don't make it sound like she's your girlfriend- ah! Here it is!" She smiled, finding her journal. "Why not?" I asked, putting my phone down. "Because you and she wouldn't look right together, she's Hispanic, a little chunky, and too young for you. While your older, Indian, and a skinny fry." She explained.

"First of all, never call her chunky. She is fine the way she is; second, Sue is just two years younger than me, and what does it matter if she's Hispanic or not?" I felt angry, and immediately she caught on. "Look, don't get offended. I'm just saying that you and her together are problematic as a couple- I'm sure mom and dad agree with me." She shrugged, "What if I do date her?" I grinned, "You wouldn't." I grabbed my jacket, sliding on my shoes.

"Watch me." I walked out, leaving her jaw dropped. I arrived outside in the cold weather, and I started to call Sue. "Hi?" She said, "Hey, sorry for the sudden call but do you maybe want to hang out? Or I could come over... I really just want to spend time with you." I explained as I heard her sigh, "What about a little walk to the park? It's a bit early, but we could totally get ice cream afterward."

She said as I felt myself smile. "I'd like that a lot." I heard her rustle, "Alright! Are you coming over?" She asked. "Yep, I'll be there in around 10 minutes," I said as I heard her panic, "Wait- uh! But I haven't taken a shower!" She panicked. "Well, you better get started. Time starts now." I hung up, laughing. "She's so cute."