|S2| Chapter [13]

(HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE AND TO CELEBRATE THE FIRST DAY OF 2021- Enjoy this new chapter and a spoiler of my upcoming new series at the end of the chapter.)

~Nicole's POV~

It's been a few days now since I've been in the hospital- they keep asking what happened to me, and I keep saying I don't remember, but J keeps saying I got attacked and that he saved me. The thing is- if we tell the truth, I'll be put in a mental institution, and the closest one is hours away from my friends.  J doesn't think I should go to one because he believes it'll make me feel worse, but Sue thinks differently.

  "Sue, please think about this rationally," J asked as I listened from inside my room.  For days now, Sue has been contemplating whether to tell the doctors the truth or not.

  Today's my released date, so Sue only gets one chance to make a good decision.  Whatever she decides won't hurt me- they are in the hallway outside my door talking.  "J, she might break again, and if she does- what can we do? We aren't capable of taking care of someone suicidal," she muttered, petrified.

  "I'll take care of her- be there for her," he said as she chuckled- "J, you are in no condition to-" "I said, I'll do it. She's my best friend; I can do it. Please just don't tell..." he sounded desperate as she sighed, agreeing.

I heard them coming closer to the door, and I immediately rushed back to bed in pain- almost falling.

They came in with the doctor, "Nicole, You are good to leave. I'll need your signature, an assurance of guardians to take care of you, and I'll give you a few medications that you'll need for a bit."

I could see Sue squirming to say something, but she made a promise, and she has to keep it. I slowly started to get ready to leave as Sue and J helped me get my stuff and change- I thought they would take me home, but instead, they took me to their home.

/Time skip/

The day was very simple; after we left the hospital- I came to J and Sue's home to see Alyra and Ad.

Alyra is different... she seems to be avoiding Ad and J, but maybe it's just my imagination. Sue, on the other hand, quickly went to work after she dropped me and J off- Ad seems really busy around the house with chores, so he hasn't talked to me much.

If he does come by, he and J tend to scruffle a bit until they realize I'm there and go on their merry ways. It might be for the fact that I can't have much negative energy around me.

I've just been reading for a while until I noticed a particular paragraph in the book- "I'm alone, no one loves me, everyone I see only loves someone else. I'm unloveable, so why should I even try?" I felt my heart start to ache, my breathing becoming painful and tears slowly but rapidly begin to fall from my face.

J being the only one around- came over and started to wipe my face with his hands. "What's wrong?" he seemed worried until I started to laugh, "I'm just... Unlovable- I would have been better off dead."

I felt a slap across my face. "Huh?"

"What's wrong with you?" Justin gave off such a disgusted and angry look- "I would die for you, and you dare to say no one loves you? I love you; you are literally my entire world, and yet you can't see that? If you weren't around- I'd be dead already. Can't you see- I'm here for you. I knew you needed me, and I went for you- I love you, so stop saying no one loves you! WE ALL LOVE YOU!" he hugged me tightly, crying a bit as I gripped onto his jacket.

"I... Love you too..."

*Author's note- Hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading and being patient with me for being gone for a week or more- I had a few issues that I had to deal with but thank you for your patience, everyone! Here's a new teaser of my soon to be coming new book! Called "Shattered Hearts." Here is the special intro.

The world always has to be balanced- when there is good... There is evil. When there is the rich- the poor must exist. My world revolves around love, more so the heart birthmarks we were all born with somewhere on our bodies. I have the rarest of the rare- similar to my idol. She's an author who wrote about how she had a broken heart, but it somehow became whole again. EVERYONE WAS AMAZED by her book because no one ever thought it was possible to have a full heart once more- even when I read her story... I had hope that it could be true. It made me hope that my life would get better and gave me hope to find my soulmate.

And then it happened- I found you.

You were everything, and more than I hoped you were; you make me second guess myself, and you were the best thing ever in my life, but- I wasn't the best for you. I hurt you, and worst- I broke your heart... I decided to do what was best and let you go.