"... Kyle Takahashi." Leona, his mother finished with a small smile directed towards him. Kyle had a muscular build, a scar on his cheek. He looked like he was in his 50s, with Crimson red hair, white stripes here and there, giving away his real age- and finally forest green eyes.
Luca smiled up at her, and ran over to the old man. And looked up at him with curiosity practically written on his face, before a wide grin slowly started spreading on his face. He hugged him excitedly.
Which surprised the others, since Kyle looked so fierce, even adults were afraid of him. Kyle gave him a grin of his own, and kneeled down to his height, and said, "Well nice to see you again too, buddy!"
Luca was about to nod at him, but suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder, when he looked up, he saw that it was his father's hand. "What is it, dad?" He asked him, feigning curiosity.
" What does he mean, again?" He asked with a gentle smile. Kyle was surprised, and asked Del, "You mean, you don't know?"
"What don't we know?" He mother said, curiously.
They all turned to Luca for answers, for he was the source of this all. He looked at them with a bright smile, and lied without blinking an eye- "I was in the backyard, when I saw him outside and decided to talk to him!"
His grandpa and parents both looked surprised, he looked at their expressions and just smiled brightly, inside he was panicked. He has been learning the art of deception and manipulation for more than 30 years, it better not fail him now. (A/N: it would be sad if it failed you now.) Completely forgetting the fact that he wasn't supposed to be able to talk.
"You can talk?!/ I missed my baby's first words?!" (A/N: Guess who said, what?) while his grandpa just looked surprised, but curiosity at why he lied.
He just nodded at his idiotic bastards for parents. (A/N: Rude brat.) He looked at his grandpa and quickly asked, "Will you play with me, Oto-San?" Seeing an opportunity to leave for a while or at least sometime, he quickly took it.
Forgetting about his lie, he agreed and with his parent's permission took Luca to play outside.
After, 30 minutes they went back inside. When Luca got back inside he quickly went over to sit by his parents. "Time to open presents!" His mother said, happily while handing her gift to him first.
When he opened his gift he found a toy dinosaur in there- it was blue in color, with a yellow bow tie. And the size of a teddy bear. He smiled happily outside, and thanked his mother, while he internally was cursing at her for giving him such a useless gift, while reasoning with himself that it's better than no gift.
Next, his father gave him his gift. It looked small, so he wasn't expecting anything much. When he opened it, he found a fishing pole. At least, it was usable in a fight he thought to himself.
Next, it was his Grandpa, Kyle. He tore the gift open, excitedly like a child's. He found a black pistol in there, it had silver linings with his name written on it. He genuinely liked the pistol, unknowingly he unconsciously started caressing the pistol with a perverted expression. He had always had a spot for weapons.
When he snapped out of it, he found everyone in the house looking at him weirdly, he straightened himself and said, "Ahem- next."
The next gifts were all toys, after than, nothing important mentioning.
Three Years and a half later, you can see a four years old kid running around the roads, with an older kid running after him, The two kids were Devin and Luca.
"You can't catch me! Yuu-San, watch out!!" Luca said, but when he looked back he was about to collide with an old man. Right when he said that, the old man looked over but, before he could get out of the way, it was too late.
Luca got up with a groan, and immediately apologized, "Gomen, Yuu-San!" During this three years, he has established a reputation in Whale Island. He was loved by everyone he met. He didn't even really like any of them, the only person he genuinely tolerated was his grandpa, Kyle. And that was only because, he gave him a pistol. Though his parents took it away, bastards.
"It's okay, Luca. It didn't hurt that much!" He said with a gentle smile, and pet Luca's head, almost like his co-workers. (A/N: What if they followed him here? Not.)
"Lu- *Huff* Luca, I caught you!" Devin said, out of breath, while holding Luca's shoulder. "Awh, I lost? Too bad- I want candy, you want to ask Ami-San for some?" He said, from sad and to than suddenly excited.
"How about I give you guys some?" The old man, now named Yuu said, with a small smile. While, handing them lollipops.
"Really?! Thanks Yuu-San!" He said taking a lollipop, and giving one to Devin, too.
After a while, he went home, to find that his parents weren't home. He didn't really care and started to test a theory he has had for a while, if his body is immortal than no matter what kind of training he did or at what age, it wouldn't matter right?
He went out to the forest, running through the forest he did it, this for while about 2 hours, until he couldn't get up anymore, or move a muscle in his body. "Motherfucking, son of a Bitch!!! That hurts so much!!" He shouted, barely breathing.
After three seconds, he got better quickly. He tested his theory and started running again to test his limits, this time he could run for another half an hour. Which proved him right.
[A/N: Okay so, normal schedule I would be updating a new chapter tomorrow, but because I said I would do a chapter yesterday but, I didn't. Here, it is!]
(A/N: short chapter, am I right?)