Chapter 2

Hii this is Moana that stupid author must have portrayed me as one of the most laziest things in the world well I am gonna deny it atleast for some extent I mean I really have seen people who are more lazier than me. And continuing what that stupid author is saying I got job in MNC

well are u wondering in your mind that what's going on here umm its nothing really just that lazy author is not really presenting me well and hence I decided to present myself infront of you guys😉

Well its true that I got a job in MNC but I am not really happy about it the reason is I dont deserve it I have not prepared well for that job and not really performed well in the interview I didnot do my work correctly. When u got something freely u will get negligence as bonus which in interest makes u lose the original one In short you may not cherish it properly hence I am really thinking through it and I am actually planning to study well and get another job hmmm this all happend because of this stupid subjects If these subjects are even 1% as interesting as Harry Potter it would not be same .

Grieving my birth in this mundane muggle world I took out Harry Potter book to distract my self after some time I went to the balcony to get some fresh air only to slip and fall from 30th floor I did not even feel any pain when I fell down. Then I opened my eyes only to see a structure like dementor in a space which is fully covered with small sized volcanos even I myself is standing in a volcano I looked around and looked at the dementor

"Child"the dementor said,


"you are one of the pure souls that crossed the hell due to your laziness" said dementor "huh? why the hell I am in hell? I mean I have never intentionally harmed others and I helped others as much as I could then why am I in the hell? "

"child you are lazy and even you harmed others due to laziness and hence you should be punished"said dementor

"what? who the hell are you"

"Sorry for my late introduction child I am Death pleasure to meet you" said dementor I mean death.

*This! I have died .oh my!, suddenly I remembered every imp person in my life my parents loved me very much , my brother,my irritating friends ohh I miss them all I want to go back I really want to go back they all will be crying right I dont want my mother to cry I really dont want them to cry I want to go back I looked around only to see volcanos thats right I came from these I can go back by jumping into it to that I have to distract this stupid death*

"Dont you think its irreasonable for me to die like that?"

"Child in this universe every thing happens for a reason nothing is irreasonable its just that u dont know the reason "said death.

"What do u mean by saying I harmed others due to laziness?"

"Child its .. umm well once when once you are sleeping the alarm has rang u switched it off but it rang again and u switched it off again and it rang one more time and hence u have thrown ur mobile out but it hit some ones head "

"¿¿¿Really ???"

"Yes child and once ur friend called u due to urgency but u did not even lifted it"

"Hmm I agree that its my mistake but that stupid scolded me for it until my ears blead"

"But mistake is mistake and u should be punished and once when its sunday and u dont want to bath...."

*Ahh.. this is embarcing hmm.. yes I can go now .I ran and jumped into a volcano*

"Child...."Death shouted.

suddenly I felt that some is dragging me out of some hole I can't understand any thing I want to open my eyes but I could not and hence I shouted all I heard was a child's shrill cry after strugling for some time I got dizzy and fallen asleep .

"Pansy my most beautiful girl ,you are my sunshine, mama loves you the most ." a sweet voice came out of no where I tried to open my eyes only to see a mountain sized human which made me scream again but the hell the one I heard is not scream but a baby's shrill I could not bear it any more I tried to move my hands and legs only to see tiny fingers I came to understand I died and became a child again and my name is Pansy hmm intresting.

Then another mountain came he is handsome I think its my dad "Welcome Pansy Parkinson daughter of Persuas Parkinson and Elody Parkinson" said that mountain.

*Ehhh Pansy Parkinson???What isnt it Pansy Parkinson from Harry Potter who in the right mind will keep their child's name as villain's name arhh she is not even villain she is just some bad charcter in story even JK Rowling does not like her why the hell is that my name ahh this is irritating ohh wait he said his name also Parkinson may be Harry Potter does not exist here*

I was in my thinking process suddenly dizziness caught me damn this baby


Some where in universe

"Death,why did you let this happen?"asked a sweet voice which came from a beautiful woman.

"You clearly know why I did it "said death.

*now death changed into a handsome man*

"I know u cared and worried about me but this.... it may lead to even more destruction"said the woman

"Believe me " said death