Chapter 18

Four years have been passed since I met my great great great great great grandfather Paxtyn and realized that my Felix Felicis is indeed working.

Four long years has been passed since then and lots of things changed in my life. Me getting into Parkinson's Paradise has benefited me a lot, I mean can you understand when you get 24 hours in just 24 seconds it really helped me a lot I can complete my lessons more effectively and still get my beauty sleep fully. It was literally amazing

But the thing is that Paxtyn asked me to promise that I will never disclose this information to anyone, even to my family members to which I reluctantly agreed. Paxtyn explained that the Paradise will open itself for anyone who is eligible and not everyone will be able to control the greed coming through power and knowledge. I don't even know the technique he used to create Parkinson's Paradise he never taught me such powerful or dangerous (according to Paxtyn) spells. But it is not exaggeration if I said I can perform even 7th year Transfiguration easily.

And coming to my favourite character and professor Severus Snape unlike Paxtyn he will give me every bit of knowledge he got himself even if he refused there would be some specific reason like he refused to teach me Patronus as I don't have my own wand and said that he would teach that in my 1st year of Hogwarts. But he teached me Occulumency and Legilimency. To be very frank I felt that those are really tough but one good thing is that Occulumency and Legitimacy is for  brain but not for soul soo anyone can't see my precious previous life memories.

Coming to my family and friends, Cuzz is pretty good especially in quidditch  he is rocking it in Hogwarts, and yes! he is pretty bad in remaining subjects every summer I have to teach him Hogwarts classes seriously those days are called HELL not for that idiot but for me. But this hell is somehow useful for that stupid so I have to go through this.

 And in my family there is a new member added these days my little brother he is just super duper cute you know and his name is Pacey Parkinson it rhymes with Pansy ;). He was born when I was 9. That gives us some large age difference but I am happy, you know he just lit up my life like anything actually its not only mine he just lit up lives of our whole family. I guess Harry potter Pansy is a single child but I am glad that I got this little cute thing.

Speaking  of cute things Ricky went to a boarding school 2 years back. Its boring without him and I even reduced my visits to Singh's. I still remember when we said good bye to each other as if it had happened yesterday we do meet each other in his holidays and we share dairies when we met, in which  we explain each other about our daily lives. I guess I still have those feelings for him and he still doesn't.

And last but not least my friends Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Daphne Greengrass, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Millicent Bulstrode, I got a pretty decent relation with them but I could say Draco is my partner in crime we do a lot of things together and we discuss a lot, almost about everything from food, culture to subjects of Hogwarts.And I am happy to have such relation with him.

And now I am celebrating my last peaceful birthday Hmm can you guess my birthday date?? I am giving you the clue again its my last peaceful birthday well the answer is its HALLOWEEN that is 31st October. Now can you understand why I am saying my last peaceful birthday I mean its true for atleast coming 7 years. Determined with the fact that I must have a blast today I got up from my bed and try another guess about my 1st gift this year well.... it's HOGWARTS letter Ahhh I'm exited as hell but it was soon suppressed when I realised that there is another 10 months for getting into the train.

Not allowing it to dampen my mood I got my self ready and there is a surprise for me that is a letter from Beauxbatons Its actually more good looking than HOGWARTS but we all know which school I'm going to attend.I also got lots of gifts from my friends , family and teacher.And at the end of the day I had a big bang party which I thoroughly enjoyed. 

I'm sorry guys for keeping this on Hiatus

I'll try to update it regularly

Thanks for your love