Chapter 20

Pansy POV

As I completed enjoying my chocolate icecream and looking around Dray called me.

" Pansy. Look I  got my wand and its awesome" said Dray showing his wand.

"Wow Dray! Hawthorn wood unicorn hair 10" someone seems to be a good healer" I said looking at the wand. Well I can say it even without at the wand though.

"Healer? I doubt it though. Now go and get your's" said Dray

"See you Dray" I said hopping towards Ollivanders.

'Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.' that's what the board read.

I entered the tiny looking store which was same as described by Potter it was deadly silent.

"Good Afternoon" said a soft voice.

I turned to see an old wizard with silvery eyes.

"Good Afternoon Mr.Ollivander" I said with my business smile.

"Ah... Miss.Parkinson it's like yesterday your grandfather came for his 1st wand." said Ollivander

" Chestnut wood dragonstring core

12 1/4 inches flexible" I said cutting him.

"As much as I like his contributions in herbology I do hate his reckless spending" I said sighing.

"Oh..interesting Miss.Parkinson" said Ollivander.

"Now let's see, what's your wand hand dear?"said Ollivander

"It's right Sir" I said.

And then he started taking my measurements while go on saying how he use three cores that is dragonstring phoenix feathers and unicorn hair and how every wand is unique.

And then the show began.

"Try this wand Miss.Parkinson Mapel wood unicorn hair 11" bristle"

I took the wand into my hand and Mr.Ollivander took it back before I could even spell a spell muttering

"no, no no definitely not".

"This Cherry wood dragonstring core 9 3/4" flexible"

And again the same thing repeated.

Seriously I was curious of getting my wand but after 10 trails I was 'Ohh' after 20 trails I was 'Okay' after 30 trails I was 'Hmm' after 40 trails I was Ufff after 50 trails I was Aghhh and I after 60 trails I am seriously thinking about leaving the shop.

Unfortunately the reaction of Mr.Ollivander is quite contradictory to mine he is getting more and more enthusiastic as the time goes on.

"Ah..yes..another tricky customer today but don't worry dear we will find your soul wand here" said Mr.Ollivander.

"Try this wand Miss.Parkinson" Mr.Ollivander said giving me a beautiful  wand.

I took it into my hands and I felt immense happiness inside me and tears came into my eyes with the bliss of happiness and at that moment I hated my happy tears as they are blocking me from seeing the beauty in my hand. That was the experience which could not be expressed in words and experienced only once in a lifetime.

And from the wand a beautiful stream of green and silver sparks came out as if the wand is showing that it is as happyas me to meet me

Atlast in my 67th attempt I found my wand. I then turned my head towards Mr.Ollivander and smiled at him as a Thank you. I then saw his face full of surprise and the pale coloured man turned pink with excitement. By seeing me he came out from the shock and cried "Marvelous! awesome, incredible incredible ..." And he went on muttering incredible.

I then observed the wand in my hand. It is a beautiful wand with white crystal on its top and graceful carvings on it. It seems to be made of Hazel wood but I can't be sure though as it didn't give me the hazel wood feeling it was different.

And the core it looks like Dragonstring probably 11 inches.

"Mr.Ollivander can you please tell me what this wand is made of?" I asked.

"This..this wand is made of Elder wood and thestral hair as it's core 11 inches flexible." said Ollivander.

"Mr.Ollivander you must be kidding me a wand made of Elder wood and thestral hair core is it some sort of Elder wand. And not to mention you are saying that this wand is made of thestral hair. From which  hell did thestral hair come here?" I said forgetting all the etiquette I had learned through years.

I mean I finally got a wand that choose me in my 67th attempt but it's made of Elder wood and thestral hair which makes it replica of Elder wand which makes it highly unstable not to mention getting my wand disarmed meant that I no longer own that wand.

"I completely understand your turmoil dear but listen, this is the wand I wish to show to the world but I would never let a soul know about this. You came to know about this only because you are chosen by the wand, this would and must be kept secret from the world."

"I clearly remember how I made this incredible wand Miss.Parkinson it's obtained from a peculiar place where two trees grew together a Hazel and an Elder. The wood used for this wand may look like a hazel wood but it behaves completely like an Elder wood. I haven't made this wand for selling as you can  see from its core but as I always say 'A wand chooses the wizard'. And there is something peculiar about it's core too, my dear I bet there would be people countable on fingers in this world who could recognize the core as Thestral hair as the thestral from which I obtained this hair is known for its dragon like features. Hence I suggest you to say that the core is of dragonstring. Let me tell you this dear it's an honour to make this wand and make it reach it's owner. I can say you are destined to do great things and I will be waiting to see it"

I just sighed realising that my life is not going to be a normal one.

Later I met Dray and told that I got a wand of Hazel wood and Dragonstring core 11 inches and flexible. I choose to say the whole world the same lie except for one person and I do ponder weather to say it immediately or to save it for later.

Dray and I reached our mansions late in the evening after buying all the school supplies. At the end it's a hectic day.


Author note:

It is said that Chestnut wood users are good at herbology

But a wand with Chestnut wood combined with dragonstring core usually finds home at person who indulges in luxuries.

Thank you for love.

Guess who's that one person Pansy wants to tell the truth.

Do suggest weather she should do it immediately or wait for it