The next day, I stand before a tall, gray building.
"Hey! Get out of the way!" A passerby shouts at me.
"Oh, sorry!"
I move into a tall, gray building. Similar to every other building in New York, the Adventurers' Guild building is a bland skyscraper. Moving inside the building, the interior is different than what I expected but I do know what I can liken it to, the DMV. A beige, white, and gray color palette used in all furniture choice gives the room a slow paced tone giving the impression that almost nothing happens. Walking towards the center of the room, I see a small touch-screen computer with a list of options for reasons to be here. Going down the list I find enlistment to the guild and select it, after filling out my personal information, I am issued a ticket that states, "D301". Looking up at a display it says it is now serving "D054".
"Hah…I guess I should get comfortable."
Sitting down in some chairs they left out, I see a large amount of grizzled men sleeping, some with bags filled with what I hope are monster parts. Looking down the office I can see a woman causing a scene and getting escorted out by security. Straining my ears a bit, I find that my Enhanced Senses allow me to hear them clearly.
"Ma'am, this is a problem for the police."
"Ugh." I heard the guard groan.
I watched a burly man and a slightly lanky man throw her out of the building.
"Sorry for the commotion everybody, please go back to your business."
"Now Serving: D055." Hearing the prerecorded voice only go up by one after five minutes makes me realize I might not be getting much done today.
Maybe I should take a nap too.
"Now Serving: D300"
What, where am I? Oh, wait, right I'm at the Guild. Looking at the clock I see that it is almost five in the afternoon.
"Now Serving: D301"
Oops, that's me! Going over to the booth with my number on it I take a seat and see a slightly overweight middle-aged man in front of me.
"Oh, I see a newcomer. No, don't look so shocked, I know I'm not what people expect." He said with a slightly tired voice, and then he continued, "So I guess you're here to sign up to be an adventurer?"
"Yes, sir."
"Hmm, been a while since I was called sir, great to see that some people in this world are still polite. Now, do you need me to explain what the guild does to you?"
"No, my friend and I went to the website," I replied.
"Okay then, is this going to be a part-time job for you?"
"Yes, I can only do night though."
"Right, that's normal, well you will need to fill out this paperwork, do a lie detection test to figure out your status, and then do a physical exam."
Filling out all the paperwork was simple and the detection test just asked for my stat numbers and nothing else. With that done I was led to a backroom, in which a random woman tried to punch me as soon as I entered.
"Huh, not many people dodge zhat zhe first time, especially since it is pitch black in here." The woman spoke with a slight accent.
"I have a night vision skill." I said to clear up her confusion. But her face grew even worse but in the end she just shrugged.
The woman in front of me clapped her hands and the lights around us turned on. Looking around I saw a room lined with bricks and a linoleum floor. Turning my attention back to the woman she began to talk. "Alright, my name is Emma and I'll be your examiner for today. Now really vhat zhis is going to consist of is you are going to hit me or something similar and I will have to tell if you are ready to fight in a more dangerous environment. Really I just see if you have potential."
After telling her my agreement, I lunged after her. She sidestepped me and I almost hit the ground but quickly turned around and lunged again.
"Listen, zhis won't really work in most environments, so change up your tactic. Maybe get some loose but tough clothing too."
Hearing Emma's advice, I decided to try and fake her out.
I punched at her head while moving my head down.
She moved her head down as well.
I bit her. Hard.