Chen Chen

Su Xin Yu had called Li Ming Hao and her cousin to meet at the school's back gate at 4 am. She wanted to leave before the sun rose. It would be easy to give introductions and all in the dark night. Since this was peak summertime, the sun was going to rise around 5:30 am. If she made them hike a bit, they would be able to see the sunrise over the mountains.

Sunrises were Su Xin Yu's favorite to watch. With all the stress in her small life, the sun rising seemed like bringing all the good things for her. It relaxed her to the core, thus, she sought them out even during normal days. Given how the area was mountainous, she did not even need to hike up that far ahead to see one.

The girl arrived with her brown khaki clothes, easy to move and breath in. She was wearing a full sleeves shirt and full pants, her long hair tightly braided. She had a big bag on her back, with all her tools including small shovels.

She had instructed to Li Ming Hao to do the same. Li Ming Hao ended up wearing a cotton red tee and half pants. He had worn comfortable black slacks beneath the half pants, which was still okay. They were going to go through thick foliage, so they needed to be completely covered. She understood that it was too hot, so she let it pass. However, she was not truly happy with his choice of clothes. He had a heavy backpack with him as well. The things in the bag were what Su Xin Yu had gotten inside it after overhauling everything the night before.

There was another personality present there. This guy was slightly chubby, and greed was dripping from his face, like literally. It was already dawn and it had just started becoming bright, so it was still easy to see. This cousin of hers did not look particularly intelligent either. Was he really an addition to the team? Li Ming Hao did not like the vibe from this guy. He looked at him disdainfully. The guy looked more like a baggage than a help. But since it was still night time, the other two did not clearly notice his expression at all.

"This is my cousin Chen Chen," Su Xin Yu introduced her cousin to Li Ming Hao. "Cousin, this is young master Li, Li Ming Hao."

Chen Chen measured the guy up and down and then snorted. This weakling was going to accompany them on an adventure? He would probably be caught by some small animal and then be gone forever. If this foolish cousin of his had found another person to divide his wealth with, he would definitely give her an earful. His treasure was already faltering due to them not hitting any useful place for quite some time, now there was another person to share it with.

"Okay, so let's move forward. Chen Chen is quite familiar with the topography here. But we will tell you slowly. The geology here varies quite a bit, and we have no idea why. Within one mile itself, you could see a change in soil and type of rock. It is all very interesting," Su Xin Yu started explaining things to Li Ming Hao. This was still flatter area, and so she could talk to him about trivial stuff. When it would be hilly areas starting in about half an hour, survival would be more of a priority. Plus, it helped relieve the awkwardness, especially since the two characters met for the first time.

"Oh? What about plants and animals? I would like to know more about it," Li Ming Hao was always interested in flora and fauna but he never got a chance to study them. From his last visit in the forest, he had observed that the leaves of certain plants were way bigger than normal. But he could not figure out the reason. Now was the time to ask.

"Hmm… in the initial parts you won't see many animals. Once we enter the dungeon area, we do not know what we will find. From biology point of view, this area is heaven for biologists. Unfortunately, it's not much accessible. We have easily spotted species that have been deemed extinct in outside world in the past," Su Xin Yu replied to a sparkling Li Ming Hao. He became super excited!

"That means, not only are the treasures there valuable, you can become famous if you're able to get DNA of some extinct species?"

The talks of money suddenly lit Chen Chen's eyes too!

"Brother Li, is this true? Can I earn money if I can take that ugly fish that we saw last time?" Chen Chen was almost in the mood of revering the guy. If this smart person was able to help him out earn more money, would it not be the best? His own dumb cousin was too uptight and wouldn't let him take out treasures even. He would need to beg her every single time and then she would let him take a thing or two. And sometimes, he even had to resort to stealing a few things behind her back.

But there was no such restriction on living creatures. If he could take one or two and become rich like that, that would be the easiest.

Suddenly regret washed over his whole being as he recalled just how many times they had encountered weird beasts and bugs. Even the plants were different from the normal ones.

"What kind of fish?" All thoughts left Li Ming Hao's mind and all he wanted to know was about the fish that Chen Chen was talking about. He sure was an archeology student, but biology was his passion. He would not leave this opportunity to study all these thrilling yet foreign things these guys were talking about.

"Alright, you'll see them for yourself. Don't be impatient, pay attention to where you're going," Su Xin Yu lightly rebuked the two. These money grubbers were already thinking of schemes? They had just started their journey!

They had left the school's backyard and taken the man-made grassy trail. After walking for few minutes, they had already started encountering the hilly paths. Chen Chen, as an experienced person, was proving to be a hindrance. His stamina was low and he was already panting after climbing a mile or so.

"Cousin… let's take… a break… please," he pleaded to the girl who was just continuing walking at the slightly rocky path.

"What! We haven't even walked for half an hour, you are already asking for a break? Come on cousin, what did you do for past month that your stamina is suddenly so low?" Su Xin Yu frowned. She knew her cousin was a lazy ass. Their last adventure together was more than a month ago. She had made him climb these hills everyday in lieu of the opportunity to scout for more treasures, and he had gotten quite good.

But now he was back to his original condition! She looked at him more closely, who had comfortably taken a seat at a nearby rock.

"Say cousin, did your weight increase again?"