
Su Xin Yu laughed. What was this guy saying? Why would he miss her? He was definitely drunk, wasn't he?

"How much have you had Mr. Li to be saying such things?" she crossed her arms on her chest. Li Ming Hao had moved to lean against the window, he could see the moon reflected in her eyes. A dangerous technique, he was being seduced by her glowing face.

He leaned in and put his index finger beneath her chin, lifting it up. He peered into her beautiful confident eyes. Why was he so attracted to her? He had met her just a month ago. And they had gone through life and death situation together. He often thought if his attraction to her was a result of that.

Then he would remember the first night when he saw her all naked in the last full moon and take a dive in that river. Wasn't that the time he had fallen for her at the first sight?