Chapter Three

"Those who are easily led are easily mis-led"

-Dave Stanson

"I remember back in the days when we went outside to vote." Said Henry's grandfather. Henry rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"That's just one of your crazy stories, Grandpa Z." said Henry. "Even before the lockup laws, whenever that was, people voted online."

Henry, Mother, and Grandpa all pressed the button to vote for Douglas Thompson. JN Peloscer had been President for five years already so they felt it was time for a change.

One Week Later

"Ms. JN Peloscer has won another term." Said the newscaster. "As well, I'd like to remind you to be safe and stay home. Remember, this is for your own protection."

"This is for our own protection." Henry and his mother repeated. Grandpa just sat angrily on the couch.

"Well, better get dinner started." said Mother.

Henry loved his mom. He enjoyed playing board games with her when he was young. She always seemed to know just how to cook his meals in his favorite way even when Henry hadn't revealed his favorite. He remembered the time she had taught him how to iron clothes.

"Let's make a game of it." Mother said once. "Imagine the iron is a boat from the days before the pandemic. You're a captain about to set sail and this shirt is the ocean. You make it all the way across the ocean but then, oops! You forgot some supplies, better turn around and go back the other way." She always made boring things interesting.

During dinner, Mother accidentally ate a tomato. She was allergic to tomatoes. She collapsed to the floor. Her skin started turning red.

"Call an ambulance!" Demanded Grandpa Z.

"What's an ambulance?" asked Henry.

"There's no time to explain, call the hospital." Grandpa said urgently.

"Hello," said Henry. "my mom is having a severe allergic reaction, send help!"

Forty minutes went by and the government sanctioned doctors finally arrived. They put mother in a safety suit and carried her off.

"I'm going with." Henry said.

"I'm sorry civilian." The doctor said in a cold voice. "We can't risk contamination. You and your grandfather will remain here and await further instruction. This is for your own protection."

"But I... you're right, this is for my own protection." Henry said in a defeated manner.

Two Hours Later

"This is insane!" shouted Grandpa Z. "What if she dies?! I'll never get to say goodbye to my daughter."

"I know, grandpa. But she'll be fine, mom's a fighter." said Henry, blissfully unaware that at that very moment his mother was lying on her death bed. At 7:47 PM the infection spread to her heart and she died, cold, alone and in pain.