Level Up!...

"My magycka evolved does that mean my stats increased?" The look Zaebos gave Azemo was something like that of a teacher who was talking to an extremely dumb student. Also it was impressive that Zaebos was able to pull that look off with his shadowy face and that made Azemo sad.

His evolution had done very little for his appearance; the only change was the flames becoming clearer in his eyes. He had expected some sort of bonus but his tome had only shown that he could now teleport multiple objects at once with a greater range.

His evolution also meant that Azemo had to explain his forest adventure which led to him being banned from the forest.

As Zaebos said " the reason I let you explore the forest was because I thought you were smart enough to run away from danger."

Apparently the beast he had fought was a Zepsile. The Zepsile was an extremely powerful monster that Azemo only beat thanks to luck, Zaebos was adamant on this point.

The week continued except that Zaebos would give him a good thrashing in all of their bouts, he seemed quite angry at Azemo.

Azemo was also able to upgrade (skill) Hover, thanks to him constantly using it every day. He could now move two objects he was familiar with at the same time and at greater speeds. This allowed him to use this as an attack skill that moved his knife around at high speeds.

After the 5 days passed it was finally time for his first mission Azemo was at least excited to see Sillis and maybe Tryst, but for different reasons. Sillis was nice to him and Tryst was well… hot.

Azemo went to the room of doom, this was Azemo's name for their meeting place and waited for Spiren to explain their mission.

Spiren did not waste any time once he saw the group had gathered. "Today we will be hunting a Zepsile and working on our teamwork." Spiren looked as if he wanted to puke after he said teamwork but continued. "For this mission we will stay in pairs, find your partner now."

'School all over again.' Azemo and Sillis formed a group as the two of them were already acquainted. "I will call you Sleepy Sillis, since we are a group or maybe just Sleepy."

"Imma have to stop you there. I am never tired." Sleepy Sillis punctuated this sentence with a yawn that would put a hippo to shame.

As for the other groups the siblings stayed together, Spiren paired up with Tryst and a forlorn looking Benthar joined forces with Augory. The look Azemo got from him was similar to a puppy that was kicked to the curb. 'Oops.'

Their duties were assigned by Spiren, Benthar and Augory would be the vanguard, the brothers or the twins as Azemo called them, they were not twins, would deal damage, Sillis and Azemo would support and Spiren and Tryst would command and provide backup.

Spiren didn't seem to care much about this mission because he did not ask about any of their abilities and randomly assigned the roles.

Later on in the forest Benthar was at the point Augory, or snake boy if you asked Azemo, was behind him using him as a shield. Benthar following Spiren's instructions led them to a cave similar to the one Azemo exploded and quickly got attacked by a Zepsile.

It seemed Spiren didn't really care about his new subordinates. Benthar was knocked over by the Zepsile but Augory used some ability that knocked the beast away. Benthar stood back up and went for a home run swing with his axe, the axe bounced off the Zepsiles tough skin.

The brothers lept into action Noct with some sort of bladed chain and Slithe with a tanto like blade. Slithe went for the Zepsiles eyes while Noct stopped it's tail with his chains. But before Slithe could get a good stab in, the creature slammed it's foot into the ground sending Slithe airborne.

This did not phase Slithe who twisted in mid air and a line of blood red energy pulled him back towards the monster. Slithe was able to slash one of the creature's eyes before he and Noct retreated, they wanted to slowly wear the beast down giving it no chance to retaliate.

Meanwhile Benthar gave up on his axe and decided to try and wrestle the Zepsile, he grabbed it's front legs and tried to flip it over. While he could not do it the Zepsile was also unable to get free. The Zepsile then decided to use it's fire attack and since Azemo wasn't plugging it's nose the fire started to incinerate Benthar.

But Benthar didn't budge yelling "Oathsworn's Creed". Azemo could see the burn marks continually healing, 'That must be his magycka.'

As for Sillis she seemed to be extra sleepy today and just leaned on her scythe watching the fight. Azemo decided to use his patented skill 'Follow' and did the same as Sillis.

Tryst however was in on the action, she was floating mid air launching jet black arrows from her bow. The arrows were able to pierce the monsters skin if only barely.

As the group slowly whittled down the monster Spiren spoke up. "That's enough back up before you all tire yourselves out." Spiren then drew his jet black sword and leapt towards the Zepsile.

Leaping through the flames Spiren released a single strike and lopped off the monster's head. He then made Azemo collect the creature's claws and the party moved on to kill some more.

Bag boy Azemo collected and carried the claws from the Zepsiles and Sillis mastered the art of sleeping while standing up. As for the rest of the group they mostly just weakened the monsters and let Spiren finish them off.

Surprisingly to Azemo the Zepsiles they found had very minimal loot, maybe the one he fought was their leader or something.

After a long day of gathering Azemo returned to his bed thinking about all the amazing teamwork the group had, meaning he fell asleep instantly as there was nothing to think about.