Lord of Nothing

As the sun crested the horizon, the era of demon kind had come to an end. The rays illuminated the destruction of the previous night and it was a sight to be remembered. Bodies were scattered across the entire battlefield human and demon alike. In the center of the desolation was a blackened path from the demon lords, and even the sun rejected this area.

As for the results of the battle every demon had been hunted down and the sole demon survivor was Azemo. Some humans were celebrating their great slaughter but most had lost someone important in the fight because of the coldness of war.

The Supreme General was in high spirits, for him, no price was too high to eradicate demons. The abominations had destroyed his hometown as a child and he had nursed a great hatred for demons ever since. Even though he was in a good mood the Supreme General knew that for the rest of the army this battle was a bloodbath.

"The people of the capital will be more excited, but I better go visit the seer." The seer was a drive skill user with an unique ability to answer any question as long as they had enough blood.

The Supreme General made his way to the seer's tent and entered. The seer was mysterious in all aspects no one really knew their gender or what exactly they looked like but the army did not care as long as the seer was did their job.

"Great prophet of humankind please tell me how many demons remain." The seer demanded a certain amount of ceremony but it was worth it because they were always accurate.

"After all your decimation of the demon race less than five demons remain." A soft whispery voice came from under the hood.

The Supreme General was shocked after all he had carefully made his way through every demon encampment killing every demon methodically. He had expected to have completely decimated the entire race. In a now sour mood he made his way to his tent to issue an order.

"Place a bounty of 5000 gold on the head of any demon."

"Sir the crown cannot afford that price, war is costly, and we have wiped out almost every single demon what harm can possibly come from one or two demons."

"I will pay the bounty, just send the order across the country." With that the Supreme General ordered the army to begin the march home. No demon would escape his grasp and he was willing to pay any price.

In the forest the destroyed Azemo was slowly walking towards nothing, his mind was empty and he had no goal in sight. He was just getting far away from the demon stronghold and all the memories he made there.

Luckily for him he had brought his room bag during his night of exploring so he still had all of his stuff but that was the last thing he would remember at this current moment in time.

In his grief struck stupor a powerful voice penetrated the daze.

"This is the soul essence of Demon Lord Maak."

Master had taught Azemo that soul essences were rare occurrences that could be found in magical places across the world. What they did, Azemo was not certain but he knew that they usually would not seek out people like this one was.

"This is not a normal soul essence because it has no mission for you. My soul essence is here because you are now a demon lord." Azemo didn't know whether to laugh or cry before the voice continued.

"You now have the power to command our limitless troops and have a vestige of authority over the monsters of this world."

'What limitless armies? And the power over monsters is also probably gone, the only reason they listened before was because they were fearful of the wrath of demons.'

"My soul essence can answer any of your questions before you absorb it and accept your new title."

"How many demons can I command?" Azemo hoped to hear that someone else had survived.

"Checking the state of demons...Currently you can command exactly zero demons." At this Azemo let out a small pained chuckle, the voice had seemed like someone delivering good news when it had said that."

"What powers do I get with this title." Maybe at least the soul essence would grant him something to help him survive.

"You gain the power to communicate with intelligent monsters and any demon can instantly recognize your authority, your zero demons will definitely not disobey you." Again Maak's excited tone delivered bad news.

'No combat powers come with the title, I guess they thought that anyone who could become a demon lord would already be extremely strong.' The ability to communicate with monsters isn't useless, some monsters never bothered to learn the common tongue but Azemo was still disappointed.

"Soul essence can I ask about the status of your creator?"

"Checking status of demon lord Maak…. I am currently dead but I will be sure to meet you at my next convenience." The word dead stuck out because it was like a bad dub that sounded nothing like the rest of the message.

'It was like a damn answering machine that sounded so happy.' Azemo did not expect to hear that Maak was alive but he was still holding onto some hope.

"Okay how exactly do I accept my awesome title." Azemo was done being depressed by this soul essence so he was ready to be on his way.

"Simply cover my soul essence with your mana to claim it's benefits normally you would have to complete the soul essence's mission before it would let you do this but this is just to give you your title."

Azemo gave no reply and sent his mana to devour the soul essence and with that he had become a demon lord!

The new demon lord was overjoyed in gaining his title, not really, he just reached into his bag for a piece of paper.

'I might as well come up with a plan.' Azemo wanted to make something to help him survive out in the lonely world but his thoughts were filled with the deaths of demons.

He saw a sword kill Zaebos again, he saw that same sword kill Sillis and he could not think straight. 'I will at least kill that sword user before I settle down so I need to increase my power.'

Now that he had a goal in mind Azemo decided to leave the forest dreaming of revenge.

With that the story of how Azemo became a demon lord closed.