Beaten Up

Azemo stared down 101 as the two prepared to duke it out. 101 was a rather unassuming looking man with plain brown hair. But, while his looks were not that threatening after seeing 101's skill with a spear Azemo was worried.

As the fight began Azemo decided to go on the defensive and started using his one real spear move, twirly spear. Azemo's spear began to spin in front of him creating a barrier between Azemo and 101.

101 sneered at the beginner move and started testing Azemo's defences with short quick thrusts. The attacks were not particularly powerful but they were hard to defend against and left no opening for an attack, not that Azemo had one any way.

The fight was slow at first with 101 was carefully making calculated attacks. Even though Azemo was using a very basic move it was still difficult for 101 to find an opening.

Suddenly 101 thrust forward at full power and Azemo had to deflect and dodge to the side to avoid the attack. 101 quickly jumped back to avoid taking any sort of counter attack but there was none.

101 sneered again seeing that Azemo still no attack. Since Azemo seemed incapable of attacking 101 decided to start doing heavier and wilder swings. His spear began doing wide arcs before crashing into Azemo and slowly but surely Azemo's defense was cracking.

Azemo noticed this and realized he had to do something. Thinking back upon when the flying spear attacked him, he decided to try a simple feint. He stabbed towards 101 after a brief respite in 101's attacks.

101 saw the attack and moved to block it. It was Azemo's first sign of an offensive and 101 wanted to crush Azemo's spirit with a perfect block, counter attack, combo. 101 swung his spear towards Azemo's attack but was met with thin air as Azemo quickly pulled back readying a new attack.

Azemo decided to copy 101's finisher from the fight against 31 but as he was about to unleash it, he felt a sudden pain in the back of his head.

A flying spear shot out of nowhere and knocked him out in an instance. 101 looked at his opponent keel over wondering what had happened.

The female instructor angrily got to her feet ready to yell at the interferer but after she who it was she said nothing.

A soft voice said "He will be my student" and Azemo was picked up and taken away.

The crowd gasped. The person that had taken Azemo away was none other than the Spear Goddess herself. The gasp was because the Spear Goddess had never taken a student before but also because the Spear Goddess was stunning. She was an almost ethereal beauty with a perfect almond face. Her pale skin shone in the dim light of the sun and her clothes beautifully flowed off her perfectly proportioned body. As for her age most thought she looked like she was in her late twenties.

Almost as quickly as she appeared the Spear Goddess left but now she had Azemo in her grasps. People were so shocked that no one managed to utter a word before she had vanished.

As soon as she was gone the crowd went into an uproar and the promising 101 had been forgotten by all. Azemo was now the main topic of conversation.

Unaware of the commotion he had just caused Azemo was sleeping peacefully and he probably would have continued to if it weren't for someone waking him up.

"Stop sleeping. Wake up. WAKE UP."

Azemo opened his eyes and saw a young girl screaming at him. He groggily closed his eyes again but the young girl noticed this.

As Azemo's eyes shut he felt pain in his stomach and he opened his eyes to realize the little girl had struck him in the tummy.

"What was that for…"

"Stop sleeping there is much to be done." The young girl seemed to be in a hurry but Azemo was still confused.

"What happened? Did I lose the fight? Where am I?"

"If you really want a question answered try asking a single one. But since I am nice, you are in the house of the Spear Goddess."

"Will she be my teacher?"

The young girl looked a little perturbed before she said. "Yes SHE will, so don't be a disappointment."

"Oh that's awesome, and what about you little girl, are you her granddaughter or something?"

The little girl punched Azemo again but this time in a slightly more painful spot.

"Aurgh…" Azemo groaned and tried to roll away.

He received another punch.

"I am the Spear Goddess and I am nearly thirty years old so how could I have a granddaughter. Also I am not a little girl so if you ever say that again prepare to get beaten."

Azemo almost laughed but stopped himself the little girl did have deadly fists after all. "Uhh I heard the Spear Goddess looked a little different than you."

Even though Azemo was not the most social demon he had heard plenty about the top human spear user and this little girl did not fit her description.

Azemo received another punch.

"That was for doubting your master." Saying that the little girl transformed into the ethereal beauty from earlier. "There." She snorted before turning back into her small girl form.

"Which is your real form?"

"This one obviously." The small child said. "The other is just for public appearances."

She looked at Azemo and before he could say a word she spoke again. "I know what you are going to ask, and if you do I will beat you up."

Azemo closed his mouth and then said. "Did I lose the duel?"

At first the little girl looked at him like she was going to toss out another punch but then her gaze softened. When she was younger she had also been pretty competitive and she was somewhat fond of Azemo. That was the reason she had chosen to take him as her student. 'Wait a second.' She punched Azemo again.

"Why the hell are you not calling me master."

Azemo groaned he was going to have bruises for weeks.

"I am very sorry, esteemed master."

"That's more like it, now get out of bed, I will show you around."

Azemo struggled to get out of the bed, not because he was tired but because his body felt like a master martial artist had spent the day beating him up.

The Spear Goddess, Azemo would later learn her name was Kaede, spent the next couple of hours showing Azemo around a small palace.

It was very spartan except for the well stocked arena in the middle of the courtyard.

Azemo was surprisingly quiet during the tour, he didn't want to end up in the hospital after all. Still Kaede would occasionally hit Azemo when he was walking too slow or did anything that annoyed her.

"Must you be such a violent Master?"

The only response he got was. "Don't question your master or she might not let you off so easily."

'Those were supposed to be light attacks!!' Unwittingly Azemo was a little impressed with the strength of his master.

"Okay since you are being such a crybaby go get some rest, training starts tomorrow."

With that the tour was over and Azemo went back to his room. Once inside the room he realized that all his stuff was still in Monster Parts.

Azemo hurried over, collected his belongings and explained the situation to Sawell before hurrying back. He expected that he would need plenty of sleep if he wanted to survive the next day's training.

Even the soft bed was painful that night as Azemo's bruised body didn't want to touch anything. It was karma for being so unfaithful to his bed.