The Perfect Plan

The preparations were complete. Azemo had everything he needed. It was finally time for some vengeance.

Azemo left the inn with his room bag that contained all his belongings and the napping Bella and Ima. He didn't want them to end up hurt if they were somehow connected back to him. As for the reason his bag was fully packed, he knew that masquerading as the Spear Goddess' disciple would be impossible after that night.

Kaede could not sleep that night, something was keeping her awake. Try as she might she could never quite put her finger on it. Since she was unable to sleep when the door opened she heard it. At first she was wary but she soon realized it was just Azemo. 'He is probably just going to prepare.' This thought would cause her great strife in the future but at the moment she was finally able to fall asleep.

As the door shut behind him Azemo quickly used (skill) Blend In to disappear into the night. Originally he had also planned to use (skill) Incognito to change his look but at its current level the skill could not do that.

The streets of Zenath were surprisingly dark that night, usually they were well lit with multiple lamps. The darkness helped steel Azemo's heart; this was something he had to do and it was something he would do.

The manor of the Lightning Sword was now in Azemo's sight and he quickly approached.

The first challenge of the night was how he would enter unnoticed, but lady luck was on Azemo's side. As he neared the door still obscured the door opened and Saboreth hurried out.

Saboreth was still unsettled from his encounter with Azemo and was trying to go get stronger. Unwittingly he had given Azemo the perfect opportunity and as the door closed Azemo was inside the house. Step one complete.

(skill) Blend In, did not give Azemo perfect concealment so he still had to be careful about the guards. However the usually wacky Azemo was perfectly focused and he only stumbled one time. The stumble nearly raised the alarm but at that moment the guards were switching so Azemo was able to get away with it.

Azemo continued to the second floor and the stairs all creaked menacingly. Each step sounded as loud as thunder to Azemo but no one seemed to notice.

On the second floor the only light came from a few small lamps lit the hallway. Of course Azemo could see in the pitch dark so this line of defense was useless against him.

From his previous trip Azemo had seen a surprising lack of security. Azemo had chalked this up to confidence. The Lightning Sword probably believed in himself too much and also he most likely thinks no one would dare attack during an event like the tournament with so many of humanities strongest warriors in attendance.

Azemo continued moving as quietly as possible as he moved from room to room trying to find the bedroom of the Lightning Sword. If he had been a professional or even just a tad bit smarter Azemo probably would have scouted out his target a little more but he was neither of those things.

After checking many rooms Azemo finally came upon a heavily locked door that looked like it would lead to a bedroom. 'This must be it.'

Azemo had little experience with picking locks so instead he went back to his movie knowledge.

Using the blade on his right gauntlet he slowly sliced around the lock of the door and as the lock was removed the door swung open.

Azemo quickly deactivated his gauntlets, he didn't want to wake his opponent, as he crept into the room. He could see the abhorred face of the Lightning Sword and Azemo felt no guilt as he moved forward to the next phase of the assassination.

As he approached the bed he silently drew Ceravin from the sheath on his back. Azemo was about to attack but as his hand neared the bed he could feel some sort of magical energy. 'I guess he isn't stupid enough to sleep without some sort of protection.'

'That won't save him.' With a single thought Ceravin began to float out of Azemo's hand before teleporting straight into the Lightning Sword's throat. Or it would have teleported into the Lightning Sword's throat if it was still there.

In a split second the Lightning Sword had awoken and avoided the attack. He now was looking around the room enhancing his vision with mana. Soon enough he spotted Azemo, who was teleporting Ceravin back into his hand for another attack.

The Lightning Sword reached towards his hip looking to grab his sword but it was not there. He had not slept with his sword for the past three years and had grown complacent. His sword was across the room but Azemo was blocking his path.

'I must get my sword.' The Lightning Sword was too proud to call for help, he didn't want to seem weak and he still had his trump card.

As for Azemo, he was still shocked that the first attack had not done the deed, but he was still prepared for a fight. He kept Ceravin floating with (skill) Hover, before activating his gauntlets.

The room was illuminated by the green light and at that second the Lightning Sword dashed forward. As he moved Azemo quickly teleported Ceravin right in front of the Lightning Sword stopping him in his tracks. The attack did not hit but the sudden appearance of the knife still stopped the impossibly fast Lightning Sword.

While there was no way Azemo could move as fast as the Lightning Sword, his eyes were still good enough to see what was going on. All that time watching Cadence and Zaebos fight had payed off. The standstill continued for a few more breaths. The Lightning Sword would dash towards his sword only to be stopped by Ceravin. Neither side could gain the upper hand but both would not give in.

The next time the Lightning Sword dashed, Ceravin did not teleport, instead Azemo moved to block. Even though Azemo was an extremely fast demon he could not compare to the impossible speed of the Lightning Sword who quickly avoided Azemo and reached for his sword.

However as soon as he touched his sword he felt a dull pain in the back of his neck. Avoiding Azemo had taken all of his focus leaving an opening for Ceravin to strike.

Satisfaction welled up in Azemo but then he noticed something. He was sure that he had dealt a killing blow but for some reason time had stopped. Suddenly Azemo's surroundings warped and he found himself once again on the stairway of the Lightning Sword's house.

It was the Lightning Sword's life saving item that had taken the archmage twenty years to create.

As Azemo stood still stunned at being transported back in time lights lit up the entire house and (skill) Blend In was dispelled.

Azemo had unwittingly blinked and as he opened his eyes he saw the entire guard alongside the Lightning Sword and the archmage. At this moment Azemo realized what happened but before he could do anything the archmage had transfixed him with a spell.

"Let's see who this little murderer is." With those words the archmage waved his hand and (skill) Incognito was wiped from Azemo.

"A demon! Seize him."