The Main Attraction

Before Azemo left, he took out the metal leaf and pinned it to part of his suit. He did this partly because he thought it would look nice and partly because he hoped it would react to something in House number two.

After he attached the leaf to his suit, Azemo quickly left. He did not want Ima and Bella to see his outfit because they would surely make fun of him.

"Is that a walking disco ball? Oh wait it is Azemo."

Azemo facepalmed, he had not left in time and Bella and Ima had returned.

"Just take care of the room bag you two."

"We will and you make sure not to blind anyone with your sparkly suit."

The two sisters were cracking up and Azemo hurried off before they could say anything else.

House number two was the picture of elegance as Azemo walked towards it. Every detail was perfectly placed and the bright lights that shone out of the windows gave it a lively feel.

At the massive wooden door Azemo was met with an extremely well dressed butler who led him to the main hall.

On the way, Azemo was able to catch a glimpse of the multitude of art that the Silversteins owned. There was everything from paintings to ornamental weaponry but nothing made the metal leaf on Azemo's chest react.

After what seemed like a long walk, the butler opened a door and Azemo was welcomed into the ballroom.

The sight that hit Azemo's eyes was something like a painting. The whole room was lit with floating globules of light and every person was picture perfect.

The suits worn were even more sparkly than Azemo's, but somehow their wearers did not look quite as ridiculous. While some women wore suits, most of them were wearing dresses, made with so much frill that it was a wonder they could walk.

"You made it Warrencraft." Silver broke the magical scene by calling out to Azemo across the room. Azemo returned the greeting and Silver beckoned him over.

When Azemo approached Silver, Silver noticed Azemo's overwhelmed gaze and chuckled. "It is quite something isn't it. My father is a very extravagant man."

Azemo thought he caught a hint of loathing but Silver quickly returned to the perfect host.

"This is Clyde and that one is Henry." Silver introduced Warrencraft to the two gentlemen he was in conversation with before Azemo arrived.

"Nice to meet you…" Azemo trailed off as his eyes got stuck on something. In the center of the ballroom a golden rapier hung from the ceiling. As Azemo looked at the sword he realized that it was made of pure gold. A gem sparkled in the pommel and when Azemo looked closer he learned that the gem was a diamond the size of fist. The more Azemo looked at the decoration the more he was sure that was what he needed to steal.

'You have got to be kidding me. Of course I have to steal what looks like the treasured possession of Gane Silverstein.'

"Warrencraft... Warrencraft." Silver lightly shook Azemo.

"Sorry I was dazing off."

"Probably because he was shocked by my incredible looks." The one who spoke up was Clyde and Azemo thought he was joking but when he looked at the man's face it was completely serious.

'He actually has that high opinion of himself.'

"Oh no. I was just admiring that sword over there."

Clyde looked annoyed that Azemo had denied that he was good looking but Silverstein just laughed.

"It is too much isn't it. My father loves that weapon, although I don't think you can call it a weapon. Something that would break in its first use can only be called decor."

Azemo stopped focusing on the sword, he would find a way to steal it, and went back to looking at the two men by Silverstein's side. If he could get on their good sides Azemo would have a much better chance at befriending Silver. Clyde was obviously awful but Azemo was still curious about Henry. As Azemo looked at Henry he realized that Henry might be even worse than Clyde.

Henry had a look on his face that clearly said that Azemo was not worth even talking to.

'If I wasn't on a mission.'

Azemo looked away before Henry's face made him sick and noticed someone.

It was the woman from the day before. Azemo wildly waved at her as she walked past. She was actually wearing the hat she had bought from him!

"You know Visnelda?" Silver was surprised that Azemo had such powerful connections.

"Not really, we just met yesterday."

"Visnelda is in love with me, I mean who wouldn't be." Clyde spoke up.

"We all know that is a lie Clyde." Henry spoke up for the first time. When Azemo had greeted Visnelda he had blinked but after hearing Azemo's explanation his smirk of superiority returned.

"Visnelda is one of the most influential people in the city. Rumor has it she has an important role in the government." Silver spoke up so he did not need to hear his companions talk.

Before Azemo could respond he saw that Visnelda was beckoning him over. Silver quickly shoved Azemo towards her, clearly saying not a good idea to ignore her.

As Azemo walked over the Soul Essence piped up in what seemed like forever.

"I forgot. Do you want to keep or save the glove you got yesterday."

"Why would I want to keep a woman's glove?"

"So you want to save it." The glove started to fade but Azemo quickly said.

"NO, no, I would like to keep it."

"Weirdo." Azemo could tell that the Soul Essence was laughing at him.

"I don't think I ever got your name the other day." Visnelda had appeared in front of him when Azemo was getting trolled by the Soul Essence.

"Yeah, it is weird how much we talked and it never came up." Azemo laughed awkwardly before Visnelda pointedly raised her eyebrow.

"Oh pardon me. My name is Warrencraft. May I inquire about your name?"

"I am Visnelda and I am one of the leaders of Kclzan." Azemo was unaware but Visnelda had already deemed him as harmless. The other day had been her trying to learn about a new resident in the city and their interactions made her think Azemo was a harmless idiot.

She wasn't wrong about the idiot part and Azemo would say it was part of his act that made him seem harmless, but that would not be the truth.

"I see you are wearing your hat. Do you like it."

"Oh yes, it is quite a nice hat."

Azemo felt a few glances when nearby people heard he was the seller of Visnelda's hat. Azemo had a feeling that he would have a lot of business in the future.

"Um you forgot this yesterday." Azemo tried to hand over the glove, which he had slipped the purple coin in.

"You are trying to return to a lady the token that she gave to you." From her tone Azemo could tell that it would be a great offence if he did this, so he sheepishly withdrew the glove.

"Do you want to keep or save item?"

"I don't want to keep this item."

"Very well saving item." Azemo had to put his hand into his pocket as the glove vanished. In his mind he could hear the Soul Essence snickering.

'I can just try giving Visnelda the purple coin directly.'

"Also it would be harmful to my image if you tried to give me money. You would be treating me like a common street walker."

Azemo was shocked, it was like she read his mind. Azemo quickly put the coin back in his pocket. Visnelda was a ferocious opponent and he could tell that she would always be able to outsmart him.

"It was a pleasure to meet you." Azemo bowed deeply and started to back away.

Visnelda held out her hand. "It would be very improper of you not to kiss my hand."

Azemo had no idea that Visnelda was playing with him and quickly complied before he hurried away from the oddly frightening woman.

When he returned to the group even Silver seemed impressed.

"I have never seen her be so nice."

"You sold her that hat. I must get one." Clyde was preening and Azemo held back a laugh that this arrogant man would want such a feminine hat.

"Of course, come by my store, Fedorable, when you get the chance, I will give you a discount." Azemo planned to charge Clyde double the normal price.

"I will have to stop by as well." Henry tried to give Azemo a smile and failed miserably.

With Henry's attempt at friendliness Azemo realized how much power Visnelda actually had.

'It is funny how they actually see me as a person now and it is only because I sold the right person a hat. Rich people really are the worst.'

Azemo spent the rest of the night in the small group with Silver. Over the course of the party many people came up to talk to Azemo about hats and Azemo realized Fedorable would be very busy in the coming days.

The night was not all about hats as Azemo was able to get closer to Silver. Azemo's Warrencraft act was not at its peak but Silver seemed to enjoy his company and Azemo appreciated Silver's directness.

'Even if I was just a walking advertisement tonight I did find the rapier and I got a little closer to Silver.'