Do Not go Around Asking for Death

Squad two panicked as they saw their enemy calmly standing in front of them, before their training kicked in. Without a single order being issued the entire squad went into attack mode.

While they were preparing their attack Azemo was facing a different kind of dilemma. He was no longer in a simulation and the people before him were real humans with lives of their own.

When he first became a demon, Azemo would not have hesitated, but after living with the Spear Goddess, Azemo knew more about the humans of the world. Not everyone had intense hate towards demons, but defying the government was beyond the abilities of most.

As Azemo was wracking his brain, squad two's archers opened fire. It was a basic strategy for the ranged attackers to test their target's defenses and since Azemo seemed preoccupied the commander had ordered them to fire.