Demon Viciousness

Saboreth and the rest of his party awakened to the blaring sounds of (skill) Alarm. As they wiped the sleep from their eyes, all they could see was an odd orb like shaped object that seemed to be the source of the dreadful sound.

"What the hell is that thing?"

"I don't know, but can you shut it up? I was having a good dream." Halk did not even think to get out of his bedroll.

In fact none of the four even acted like they might be in danger. To them the noise was only an annoyance and it did not even cross their minds that they might be under attack.

Hanging from the ceiling concealed with (skill) Blend In Azemo was shaking his head. The humans all seemed to be in their early twenties and they were that careless. Saboreth was not able to gain any recognition in Azemo's eyes when they had met back in the city, so to Azemo Saboreth was a new person.

'I guess I can have a little fun with this bunch.'