Oh to Be a Zoo Animal

Boom, boom, boom.

To Azemo, his footfalls sounded as loud as bombs exploding as he ran through the forest. He was in a hurry because he really hoped to get a good long sleep after the battle. He could see the thin man in the distance half obscured by trees and his heart had started pound.

The thin man was walking around carelessly, but as Azemo closed in the outer edge of the man's sensors were tripped.

Instantly a massive amount of spell scrolls were tossed into the air and caught by a golden barrier.

Seeing his prey fully prepare himself, Azemo took out his tome and considered putting it above the treetops. As he thought about it Azemo decided against the idea, his tome would be safer in his vision and he had no idea what the thin man could do.

Of all of his enemies the thin man was the most unknown. Azemo had seen the Celestial Blade in action and found the weird book about the Indomitable Shield, but the thin man in front of him was unknown to even most humans.