No Use Running

"The human empire will crumble. Wahaha."

"Is that supposed to be an evil laugh Az?" Ima rolled her eyes, the previous fight had been extremely boring for her.

"I thought it was a pretty spooky one."

"Wrong, it was exceptionally stupid." Bella was not as unhappy as Ima, but she enjoyed complaining.

"Can't you guys be happy for me? This was the first important fight where I am still in good shape afterwards."

'They are happy for you, my lord. We all just know you have no plans of destroying the human empire. In fact I think you only have three people left on your hitlist.'

'It can expand.' Azemo wore a childish expression on his face. He had never really thought about how few people he set out to kill. 'Maybe people will think I am a peace loving hippy.'

"Reginald is right." The sisters could now hear Reginald all the time since he was part of the bond.

"Also you say good condition, but Kclzan will be out of commission for the rest of the hunt."