Unmatched Destruction

'Candice, you can now rest easy. I have avenged you.'

Azemo closed his eyes as a wave of emotions hit him. He was getting closer to his goal and the demons' legacy was not going to be forgotten. It was finally time to kill the one who had sent both Sillis and Zaebos from the world.

As soon as he let his guard down a sense of absolute danger hit Azemo and he instantly teleported away. At first that seemed to do the trick, but a second later Azemo felt that impending doom once again.

Bella and Ima could sense the danger Azemo was feeling through their bond and they did not hesitate. Even with blood pouring from her shoulder, Ima began sending her life force to Azemo through the bond and Bella followed suit.

Azemo had no time to appreciate the incredible sacrifice the sisters were making, as the roof of the cabin was blown off by a single javelin.