The Most Useful of Allies

The trip on the long road to the dungeon was quite uneventful. Azemo walked during the day and slept at night, he ate food when he was hungry and drank when he was thirsty. The point being that it was just another trip.

He had been warned by a few people that the road was dangerous because of bandits and monsters, but the monsters were all too scared of him. With their superior senses it was impossible to miss the unmistakable aura of a demon lord and so they all avoided Azemo and the cats.

Still the beautiful scenery made the trip more enjoyable. Azemo had been used to traversing the bland deserts of Kclzan, so the towering mountains and vibrant fields were a welcome change.

Also the constant chatter that flowed through his head distracted him from the endless walking. Ima and Bella loved chatting and even Reginald started to join in.

Food was never a problem and Azemo was even able to enjoy a wide variety of meats, thanks to his hunting skills.